Last night, I had dinner with my friend Rebecca. We have been best friends since we met in Reading class in 7th grade at Northwestern Middle School. We went to different high schools freshmen-junior year, but stayed best friends and when I transferred to Milton my senior year, we were voted "Class Inseparables" senior superlative. We went to different colleges, but are both in Atlanta now...oh and she was maid of honor in my wedding as well. :)
Rebes knows the ins and outs of my life (from childhood until now), all my secrets (both good and bad!), and the majority of my thoughts for the past 15 years. We have the kind of friendship where we can go without talking, but then see each other and pick from back up right where we left off. It is the kind of friendship where I can completely be myself- she knew me with braces and bangs and is still my friend! Oh, and I did totally throw up on her one time in the car and still, we are friends... That's loyalty!
I am thankful for the friendship we had as girls growing up and for what our friendship has formed into now that we are adults. It is so good for your soul to have lifetime friends.
And yes, Coach White- you were wrong back in the 8th grade.... we ARE still friends. :)
I will post one thing I am thankful for each day for the next year. "give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endure forever." psalms 136:1
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Anyone who knows me knows that I tend to stay pretty busy and hardly ever watch the tv shows I like when they are actually on tv- except for the ones Richie and I watch together. I don't even remember what i used to do before we had dvr...actually rewind, I do. I would put a tape in the vcr and turn on my tv to the channel I wanted and start recording in order to record the show I wanted to watch. Wow, technology is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I am thanful to have shows recorded so I can go back and watch them when I have a free moment (see my old post about loving watching tv on Saturday mornings). Well, I am off to kickball! Have a great Wednesday night!
hubby's home
I forgot to blog last night, but I was very thankful to have my sweet husband back home from his business trip! The house is way too quiet when it's just Wriggles and I. :)
Monday, September 26, 2011
home alone
I hate when Richie is gone, so when he travels for work, I feel I have to find the positive in it. :) I am a pretty independant person (which is probably shocking to hear for those who knew me in high school when I was absolutely not independant!) and I do enjoy my alone time (although I just prefer having about 30 minutes of it while my husband is downstairs or upstairs doing something or heading home from work- not when the house is completely empty all night!) So, today I am thankful for an empty house so I can go home from babysitting, eat dinner, and curl up in bed with the Wriggle bug and a good book or tv. And on the plus side, my hubby will be home tomorrow! :)
early to bed, early to rise...
Richie is out of town and I had a migraine last night, so I was in bed (not just laying in bed watching tv, but in bed going to sleep!) by 8:30. I woke up at 5:30 wide awake and ready to take on the day! I am thankful for the chance to get to bed early and get some extra sleep to prepare myself for the week!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Cable, Internet, Phone...oh my!
After a week of being cut off from the world, we finally are back up and running! Woo hoo! I plan to catch up on my shows I missed (of course, it is on my computer since our cable didnt record anything) today while tackling all my household chores that need to be done! Happy Saturday!
Mini burger-fries
My sister-in-law says I don't post enough recipes, so here is one for you all! :) I am thankful for this adorable little appetizer recipe I found!
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and bake frozen waffle fries according to package. While they are cooking, make ground beef mixture (I used ground beef, worcestershire sauce, and a mesquite grill seasoning). Form mini patties (about 1-2 tbsp in size) and cook in a skillet on the stove. When the fries are done, take them out and set the oven to Broil. On each fry, put a mini burger, a 1/4 of cheddar cheese (I also did some provolone) and a slice of a cherry tomato (I also did some without tomatoes). Place fry concoctions back in the oven to broil for about 4 minutes or until cheese is melted. You can serve with pickles, ketchup, and mustard or just plain. They are adorable and delicious!
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and bake frozen waffle fries according to package. While they are cooking, make ground beef mixture (I used ground beef, worcestershire sauce, and a mesquite grill seasoning). Form mini patties (about 1-2 tbsp in size) and cook in a skillet on the stove. When the fries are done, take them out and set the oven to Broil. On each fry, put a mini burger, a 1/4 of cheddar cheese (I also did some provolone) and a slice of a cherry tomato (I also did some without tomatoes). Place fry concoctions back in the oven to broil for about 4 minutes or until cheese is melted. You can serve with pickles, ketchup, and mustard or just plain. They are adorable and delicious!
One of my best friends Jenna is currently in Myrtle Beach with her boyfriend Michael. On Thursday night, I had the pleasure of having her come stay with me to break up the long trip from Birmingham to Myrtle Beach. We drank wine, ate dinner, watched dvds (since our cable was out!), and just chatted. It was so nice to get to spend some time with her since it is so rare that it's just the two of us instead of our group of friends.
Jenna and I have been friends since we were freshmen in college and she is truly one of a kind (in a good way!) I know that if I want the truth about something (wther it be an outifit choice or a situation I am trying to figure out) that she will always give me her honest opinion. (Seriously everyone should have someone in their life who will be completely honest with them!) She is also a friend who I can have so much fun with, but at the same time, we are just as content sitting on the couch drinking wine together...especially if there is a massage train added in the mix! :) One of the things that I love the most about Jenna (and honestly, sometimes envy) is her strength. She has shown me what it truly means to hold it together even when you should be falling apart. She is a beautiful, smart (recent nursing grad!), strong, and caring person and I am so blessed to have her as a best friend!
Love you J-Dawg! :)
Jenna and I have been friends since we were freshmen in college and she is truly one of a kind (in a good way!) I know that if I want the truth about something (wther it be an outifit choice or a situation I am trying to figure out) that she will always give me her honest opinion. (Seriously everyone should have someone in their life who will be completely honest with them!) She is also a friend who I can have so much fun with, but at the same time, we are just as content sitting on the couch drinking wine together...especially if there is a massage train added in the mix! :) One of the things that I love the most about Jenna (and honestly, sometimes envy) is her strength. She has shown me what it truly means to hold it together even when you should be falling apart. She is a beautiful, smart (recent nursing grad!), strong, and caring person and I am so blessed to have her as a best friend!
Love you J-Dawg! :)
Cooking Tips
First, let me apologize for my absence...we have been without phone, Internet, and cable all week- SO annoying! I can blog via my phone, but it is much easier to on the computer, so I decided to wait. :) So I will be doing Wed, Thur, Fri, and today's blog posts this morning.
I went with my mom on Wednesday to one of my favorite restaurants Anna Lee's (see my post about it here)
for a "Tips of the Trade" cooking class. If you haven't realized, we love going to cooking classes together. This particular class was dinner, wine, and watching and learning "cooking tips". The food was delicious, we got some yummy recipes, and learned lots of neat things!
Here are some of my favorite things I learned:
-Instead of using Pam to grease pan, keep a shaving brush in a jar with oil in it. You can use it to grease anything!
-If you are measuring something sticky (peanut butter, molasses, etc), use said shaving bread to spread a little oil in your measuring cup before you measure you "sticky stuff" and it will slide right out!
-To make perfect crust on bread, dip it in water (the whole thing- unless it is already sliced) and then bake at 350 for 15 minutes. It gives you absolutely perfect outside crust- really good on Ciabatta bread. If it is already sliced, spray it with a spray bottle instead of dunking.
Yum, yum, yum!
I went with my mom on Wednesday to one of my favorite restaurants Anna Lee's (see my post about it here)
for a "Tips of the Trade" cooking class. If you haven't realized, we love going to cooking classes together. This particular class was dinner, wine, and watching and learning "cooking tips". The food was delicious, we got some yummy recipes, and learned lots of neat things!
Here are some of my favorite things I learned:
-Instead of using Pam to grease pan, keep a shaving brush in a jar with oil in it. You can use it to grease anything!
-If you are measuring something sticky (peanut butter, molasses, etc), use said shaving bread to spread a little oil in your measuring cup before you measure you "sticky stuff" and it will slide right out!
-To make perfect crust on bread, dip it in water (the whole thing- unless it is already sliced) and then bake at 350 for 15 minutes. It gives you absolutely perfect outside crust- really good on Ciabatta bread. If it is already sliced, spray it with a spray bottle instead of dunking.
Yum, yum, yum!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Bible Study at my house!
I am so sleepy today, so I am thankful to have bible study meeting at my house tonight so I don't have to go any where and will alreayd be home when we are done. The little things in life... ;)
acts of kindness by strangers
Yesterday afternoon I was beyond frazzled. I was on my way to have a gall bladder ultrasound and had nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours so I was just a little grumpy to begin with. Then on my way to St Joseph's, I was talking to my dad on the phone and missed my exit. That meant I had to go through the toll booth, get off at Lenox, go back to the toll booth and then get off at my exit, get to the hospital, park and then get into the office all in 10 minutes. My mom called as soon as I realized all this so I was frantically griping and trying to figure out if I even had money for the toll! When I pulled up to the cashier, the lady dropped 50 cents in and told me that the person in front of me had paid for my toll. Even though I was still thirsty and running late, I got a smile on my face and instantly felt some of that annoyance lift off me. It just makes you realize that you never know what kind of day a stranger might be having and what a difference a simple act can make on their day!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
night time showers
I am typically a shower-in-the-morning type of person, but just took a shower tonight so save some time in the morning and be able to sleep in some. There is something just so relaxing about taking a hot shower and then getting into your pjs. It reminds me of childhood- now only if Richie would dry my hair like my mom used to do! I am so cozy right now in my pj's and my hair still wet and am about to crawl under my covers and watch The Emmy's! Night!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
perfect start to a Saturday
This morning I slept in until 8:30 (when you wake up at 5:30 every day, 8:30 IS sleeping in!). Then I got up, changed clothes and took my dog Wrigley for a run in the wonderful, crisp air (ahh- it feels like Fall). We came back, got ourselves some water, did a few chores that needed to be done (empty dishwasher, change table setting to Fall), then put some cinnamon rolls in the oven- everyone needs a Saturday indulgence every now and then... :) Now, I am about to relax with a cup of coffee (Caramel Drizzle- it's a new Keurig flavor with Light Vanilla Soy milk and a sprinkling of connamon= delicious) with my cinnamon roll on this wonderful Saturday morning. In a little bit, I will shower and get ready before our friends come over, but for now, I am going to just sit and enjoy. Happy Saturday! War Eagle!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
"old married" Friday nights
Richie and I have been so busy and go-go-go the past few weeks (and weekends!), that it is so nice to have a normal weekend at home and be an "old married" couple on a Friday night. I made pasta salad and some dips for tomorrow (we are having some people over to watch football , then we went to Hudson Grille for dinner, and then ran by Target to pick up a few things, and now getting in bed to watch some tv and go to sleep early. I am sure it sounds miserably boring to most for a Friday night, but it has been heavenly to me! :) Hope you are doing whatever sounds good to you this Friday- whether it is going out and having a great time or spending some quality time with someone you love and catching up on sleep! Night!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thank Goodness It's Thursday Night! :) This week has been sooooooo long (just got home from Curriculum Night and then dinner with co-workers) and needless to say, I am exhausted after this week! I am thnakful it is Thursday night which means tomorrow is Friday! Woo hoo!! Night y'all!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Quick dinner with hubs
Man, has this week been crazy! I babysat until 7:30 Monday, babysit Tue and then had bible study, and am still babysitting (blogging from my phone in soccer fields parking lot) right now. Luckily though, I dropped both kids at soccer at 7:15 and didn't have to pick them up until 9 so I was able to go home and still eat dinner and spend a little bit of time with my sweet hubs before heading back to get them! Kids getting in car, better go!
Fall shows!
I am thankful for the fall tv lineup to be starting up again! My shows I watch in the fall (not counting ones like The closer that are about to end) are: Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Gossip Girl, 90210 (yes I'm still a teeny bopper at heart), Modern Family, The Office, Vampire Diaries, Parenthood... Goodness I have a lot of tv shows! My favorite thing though is dvring all of them and then waking up early on Saturday morning and curling up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a blanket and watching them. Ahh, sounds perfect! What shows do you watch? Do I need to add any new ones? :)
well rested Monday morning
I am a little behind, so I'm going back to Monday for this post! I am thankful for sleeping in on Sunday and then getting to bed early that night to make for a well rested Monday morning!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Proud to be an American
Ten years ago today, I was a senior in high school. I walked into Milton after coming from peer mentorship and heard that a plane had crashed into a building from my friends as we talked while walking down the halls. I went into Coach Allen's class and the tv was on. I remember us all staring at the screen as the newscaster was confirming what I had just heard. I remember even more so, being horrified as I watched the second plane crash into the tower while we watched the coverage live and even at 18 years old, knowing in the back of my mind that our world would never be the same. I hope we all take a moment today to remember all the men and women who were killed in those buildings and on all the planes that day. I hope we remember the brave men and women who risked their own lives to go in and try to save others. I hope we feel that same surge of pride for our country like we all did in the days, weeks, and months following
9-11-01. May we always be proud to be Americans and respect the policemen and firefighters who protect us as well as all the servicemen and women who fight daily for our freedom. God bless America.
9-11-01. May we always be proud to be Americans and respect the policemen and firefighters who protect us as well as all the servicemen and women who fight daily for our freedom. God bless America.
I believe in Auburn...and LOVE it!
This weekend we went to Auburn for the Auburn vs. Mississippi State game. Friday night was dinner at Amsterdams (MMMM crab cake and avocado sandwich) and then out to Sky Bar. Saturday was a full day of tailgating, watching football, shaking our orange and blue poms and telling other fans "War Eagle!"
Auburn is such a quintessential college town and in my opinion, was the best place to spend those four years of my life! I loved being a college student there- living at Edge West, going to Bodega, and always being with my bff's. However, I have realized, that I love being an alumni just as much. There is something so exciting about pulling in on game weekends and just feeling the energy of being an Auburn fan. I was standing at our tailgate yesterday looking around and it hit me just how proud I am to be an Auburn tiger. It's a great school, all the fans are so kind and friendly (it's that southern hospitality!), and it is a beautiful campus. We have such unique traditions like rolling Toomer's corner, Hey Day, and our eagle flying that just make being an Auburn fan so fun! (Oh, and we are the defending national champs!) I was so happy yesterday being in my favorite city on the Plains with some of my favorite people. I hope one day I will have kids who go to Auburn (sorry Richie!!) so they can experience how wonderful it is as well!
Auburn is such a quintessential college town and in my opinion, was the best place to spend those four years of my life! I loved being a college student there- living at Edge West, going to Bodega, and always being with my bff's. However, I have realized, that I love being an alumni just as much. There is something so exciting about pulling in on game weekends and just feeling the energy of being an Auburn fan. I was standing at our tailgate yesterday looking around and it hit me just how proud I am to be an Auburn tiger. It's a great school, all the fans are so kind and friendly (it's that southern hospitality!), and it is a beautiful campus. We have such unique traditions like rolling Toomer's corner, Hey Day, and our eagle flying that just make being an Auburn fan so fun! (Oh, and we are the defending national champs!) I was so happy yesterday being in my favorite city on the Plains with some of my favorite people. I hope one day I will have kids who go to Auburn (sorry Richie!!) so they can experience how wonderful it is as well!
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Our tree may be dying, but our tradition is still alive! |
Friday, September 9, 2011
Football weather!
I am thankful for this perfect weather we are having right's football weather! I'm hoping it stays this gorgeous for tomorrow in Auburn!!! WAR EAGLE!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
thoughtful gestures
A parent in my class brought me a big pastry ring (with cherry, apple, and cheese danish in in) from Panera today just "because". I am so thankful for thoughtful gestures that can just completely make your day! :)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Early evening walks
I am thankful for early evening walks with Richie and Wrigley...especially when it feels so great outside!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Short week
I am thankful for short weeks. I love thinking it is Monday only to realize it's really Tuesday and tomorrow's already hump day! Night all!
Monday, September 5, 2011
I went to Las Vegas on Thursday and got back late last night, which is why I haven't blogged since Wednesday! It was Richie, me, Robbie, Laura and our friends Katie and Kyle. We went to celebrate Robbie and Kyle's 30th birthdays and had soooo much fun! Since I have so much catching up to do, I will write all the things on one post instead of doing 5 different ones...
Since we went to celebrate Robbie's brithday, I will start with that! I am so thankful to have him as a big brother. We were like most siblings growing up (picking on each other and not always getting along so well), but now that we are older, we are good friends and I am so lucky to have him as my brother!
I am thankful that I got to see "Love" Cirque du Soleil! I have always been a huge Beatles fan and absolutely loved seeing their performance set to all Beatles music.
I am thankful for pools, especially the very cool one we got to go to! It is SO hot there- like 115 degrees each day and we would have been miserably hot if we hadnt been able to go to the pool!
I am thankful to be a girl! Vegas is totally a girl's town and Laura, Katie, and I were able to get into everywhere for free since we were girls!
I am thankful to have had such a wonderful trip with such wonderful friends (and family!)
Since we went to celebrate Robbie's brithday, I will start with that! I am so thankful to have him as a big brother. We were like most siblings growing up (picking on each other and not always getting along so well), but now that we are older, we are good friends and I am so lucky to have him as my brother!
I am thankful that I got to see "Love" Cirque du Soleil! I have always been a huge Beatles fan and absolutely loved seeing their performance set to all Beatles music.
I am thankful for pools, especially the very cool one we got to go to! It is SO hot there- like 115 degrees each day and we would have been miserably hot if we hadnt been able to go to the pool!
I am thankful to be a girl! Vegas is totally a girl's town and Laura, Katie, and I were able to get into everywhere for free since we were girls!
I am thankful to have had such a wonderful trip with such wonderful friends (and family!)
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