I will post one thing I am thankful for each day for the next year. "give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endure forever." psalms 136:1
Sunday, January 29, 2012
down comforters
I love down comforters. I love when I am being lazy, pulling one down onto the couch and cuddling up- which is exactly what I did this afternoon. I am thankful for down comforters to cuddle in to!
"family time"
I am thankful for "family time" where we pull Wrigley in the middle of us in bed in the morning and cuddle! It is one of my favorite parts of the weekend!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The new Friday night out
So it used to be that Friday nights to me were all about getting ready, pre-drinking at someones house or apt, and then going to the bars until 2 or 3 am. Luckily, our Friday nights have changed some since then!We usually still hang out with friends, but it is much more low key. Last night, we went to dinner with 3 couples and hung out there for a while. We ran into another couple we hang out with and chatted with them for a bit, and had a great night! The best part was we got home at a decent hour, and woke up feeling great today! I am thankful for what our Friday nigths have morphed into now that we are becoming "grown-ups". Man, I am officially old... and I must say, I enjoy it! :)
Finishing a book
I love reading. I know I have said that on here before, but I could say it a million times. It is my absolute favorite hobby ever and always has been! I love when you get to that point in a book where you literally can not put it down because you just have to know what happens! I have been reading a book this week ("Magic Hour" by Kristin Hannah) and got to that point on Thursday where I didn't care that all the best tv was coming on, I just wanted to crawl in my bed and finish my book. So I did. :) I am thankful for my love of reading and for the joy (and sadness! You fellow book lovers will know what I mean) of finishing a good book.
I have been doing the Daniel Fast this week (basically you eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains). I realized that I am incredibly addicted to caffeine, even though all I really normally have is a cup of coffee in the morning. Since I started, I have been irratable and have had the worst headache though. Not fun at all! I have let myself cheat and have a small cup of coffee each morning, but only with soy milk and no sugar. Needless to say, I have learned that I am very thankful for caffeine! (And so are the people around me! At our grade level meeting one of my friends told me, "Please go drink a cup of coffee!" Haha!)
Taking it easy
I had my dinner club with some friends Monday night and didn't get home until after 10 and then had some things to do at home, so didn't get to bed until about 11. On Tuesday I was go, go, go (as usual- that is my busy day) with school, meeting after school, and then babysitting. I usually have bible study on Tuesday nights, but I had the worst headache and was so worn out, that I went home from babysitting and got straight into bed! I am thankful for nights when I can just take it easy and just crawl into my covers!
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte
So on Monday (yes, I am having to go back that far because I'm behind again), I made a pumpin spice latte in my latte maker and it was out of this world delicious....dare I say it; possibly even better than Starbucks! I am thankful for my homemade pumpkin spice latte!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
cold washcloths
I have not had a migraine, let a lone a headache really, since I started on my new medicine. So when I woke up this morning with the same headache I went to bed with last night, I was not happy. I usually put a wet washcloth on my head when I have a migraine to help with the pain, but I took it a step further this morning. I had to take breakfast to church for my volunteering, so before I left, I put the wet cloth in the freezer. I came home and took it out and it was sooo cold and felt so good on my head when I went back to sleep to try and get rid of my headache! I am thankful for my little headache trick!
Good deals!
Yesterday at the Loft, they had $50 off your $100 purchase if you "like" them on facebook, which is a pretty good deal, especially if you have gift cards there like I do! They let you use the coupon more than one time which is also nice! I was able to $200 worth of clothes for $100 and had gift cards for all of it which was even better! :)
whole grain hamburger helper
My husband loves hamburger helper. However, I don't really make it all that often because, let's be honest, it may taste good but it's not exactly the most nutritious meal! The other day I was at the store and saw whole grain hamburger helper! I picked up a box and some ground turkey and knew I would have one happy husband! I am thankful for the option to make a healthier hamburger helper!
Homemade chicken noodle soup
My mom makes the yummiest homemade chicken noodle soup, which is the recipe I now use. It is so easy and delicious. You simply boil chicken broth with chopped onions and celery in it until they are soft. The you add shredded chicken (I use rotisserie usually), and egg noodles (I usually use whole wheat) an continue boiling until noodles are cooked. Add salt and pepper to taste and any other spices; I use some thyme. I am thankful for yummy homemade chicken noodle soup, especially on cold nights!
I recently found out a former student's parent was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have surgery last week. Another teacher and I signed up to bring her a meal and took it to them last Wednesday as a "the least we could do" gesture. From talking to her, I am just amazed at the outpouring of the community we have at my school. Her husband told one person about it, who then turned around and got a meal train going (involving the child's former teachers even) and this family now has meals and prayers provided for them for as long as they need! I am thankful to live and work in an area where there truly is a sense of community and family.
New bible study leader!
So our bible study is starting back up after Christmas and we are officially having a leader this time! Hooray! In the past, we have always watched a video or something and then done a free-for-all discussion. One of the girls in our group, Mollie's mother-in-law is the women's ministry leader at a church in our area and she is starting to lead us! We just had our first one and I am so excited about it! We are doing a study on developing quiet time with God, which is something that I know I desperately need to work on! I am thankful for Sheree for taking her time to meet with us and mentor us each week!!
Don't worry, I am not going to get all political and deep on here (I already did a civil rights post after seeing The Help after all....). However, I am extremely thankful for martin Luther King, Jr and the changes he helped bring about in our country. I truly cannot even fathom what it must have been like in his time and I am thankful that I will never have to experience it. I am thankful for Martin Luther King, Jr and all that he stood for.
Getaways with the hubs
Richie and I LOVE to travel. If you know us well (or read my blog or "stalk" my facebook), you know that we are lucky enough to do quite a bit of it! We are also fortunate enough that most of our traveling is with our families (ie....it's pretty cheap for us!!) However, it is extremely nice to have time away from home just the two of us, which is exactly what our San Fran trip was. It's rare that we get away without either our families or another couple (or couples), so it was so nice to have time to explore a new city just us and be able to do exactly what we wanted to do when we wanted without having to run plans past other people, etc. I am thankful for all of the traveling Richie and I have been fortunate enough to do since we have been married and I am thankful for this past getaway just the two of us. :)
While we were in San Francisco, we decided to take a day trip over to wine country! We went to Sonoma instead of Napa because I had heard it was much more low key and not as touristy. It was so much fun and absolutely breathtakingly beautiful! We went to a few vineyards and tried wine and walked through the adorable town. On the way back, we drove through the Muir Woods and went to Muir Beach. We ended the day at Haight- Ashbury where we walked around, had a few drinks and ate dinner, and definitely did some people watching! All in all, a pretty fabulous day! I am thankful for the chance to go to Sonoma!
Gundlach Bundschu Vineyard
Little Vineyards
Rosie the dog we met :) |
Muir Beach |
San Francisco Tour
So yes, I was that nerd who went on a Grayline Tour. But I figured, Richie was working most of the day and I wanted to see the whole city, so what better way to do it! I must say it actually was pretty cool! They picked me up at my hotel and then took us to Fisherman's Wharf where we got our real tickets and got on the bus for our tour (all the tours meet there). On the tour, we drove the tour and stopped at a few places: the top of Twin Peaks, Mission Dolores, Golden Gate Park, and right over the Golden Gate Bridge. There was an audio tour during it, so I learned all I ever wanted to know about San Francisco! From what I kept hearing on the tape, Richie and I were pretty lucky "the next big earthquake" didn't happen while we were there because they sure like to talk about it!! I am thankful that I went on this tour by myself (which isn't something I would normally do) because I had a great time, took tons of pictures, and actually learned a lot!
My bus! |
Top of Twin Peaks- dowside of touring alone = pictures alone! haha |
Inside Mission Dolores- So old and beautiful! Baby Redwoods in Golden Gate Park The Golden Gate Bridge! |
San Francisco!
View from our room |
We had perfect weather- it was sunny and about 70 eevry day we were there excpet the day we were leaving. Some of my favorite things in San Fran were: riding the streetcar (of course!), the Farmer's Market at the Ferry Building, driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, and bascally all of it! I am thankful for the chance to experience San Francisco with my hubby!
I absolutely hate, hate, hate unpacking. And I usually put off packing until the night before a trip. But I do enjoy packing for trips and putting together my outfits and thinking about what I need and will wear! I am thankful for packing for very fun trips!!
short weeks
I am thankful for short weeks. Richie and I went to San Francisco about a week ago and left on a Thursday, which means my "Friday" of the week was a Wednesday. I am thankful for short weeks every once in a while!
catching up
Wow, I am waaay behind! Like more than I ever have been! I am thankful for a chance to catch up on my blog this morning! :)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Busy Sunday!
Whew, today has been busy!! We woke up this morning and went to our friend's Laura and Ryan's baby's baptism and then to a luncheon afterwards. The baptism was sooo sweet and then we had a lot of fun visiting with everyone afterwards. I went home from there and made chicken tamale casserole (such a good Cooking Light recipe) for my friend Emily and her husband Josh who just had a baby! My sister-in-law Laura and I went over there (she is bringing food tomorrow, so she went ahead and brought it tonight with me) and visited for a while and held the baby. She is absolutely gorgeous and such a good baby! I came home from there and my the same casserole for Richie and I for dinner and now I am about to get in bed and hopefully fall asleep early!
I am thankful for busy Sundays spent with wonderful friends!
I am thankful for busy Sundays spent with wonderful friends!
Christmas decorations in attic....
So it is a full week into January and my Christmas decorations are just now making it into the attic.... In my husband's defense (because it is his job to get them up there), they didn't come down until we got home from our Colorado trip on January 3. I still can't help but feel slightly like a slacker family. Regardless, I am thankful to have all the Christmas decorations back up in the attic until they come back down next December! :)
Tara Humata (and gift cards!)
Flash back to the incredibly generous gift card tree I got from my class for Christmas. Included on this were four (yes, four) gift cards to one of my and Richie's favorite restaurants- Tara Humata. If you haven't been there, it's a super yummy nice Mexican restaurant. (I recommend the shrimp fajitas) Friday night we went to dinner there (to use one of my gift cards) with Robbie and Laura and another couple, Katie and Kyle. It was delicious as always and a great start to our weekend! I am thankful for one of our favorite restaurants, Tara Humata, and that I was fortunate enough to get gift cards to use there! :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Latte machine
I got a latte machine from my in-laws for Christmas and with travelling (and lack of groceries!), today was my first day using it! Oh my, it was so easy and delicious! You out your coffee in the top like you do a normal coffee maker but then add milk in the bottom and it makes one perfect latte! I used caramel flavored coffee with light vanilla soy and it was soooo yummy! I am thankful for my new latte maker and am looking forward to tomorrow morning's treat,
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
teacher workdays
Today was my first day back from break, but it was a teacher workday and the kiddos will be back bright and early tomorrow! Jennifer Jacobson (from the book "No More I'm Done") came and spoke to us this morning about writing and she was absolutely phenomenal! I got so much out of it and she had so much practical stuff that I will definitely apply in my classroom. After that, we had the rest of the time to work in our rooms. I used that time to finish my report cards, finish grading end of semester tests, and prepare for the next two days! I am thankful for teacher workdays and the way they slowly coax us back into school after a break! It makes it easier to know you have a day to get all those last minute things done before your kids are their all excited and ready to go!
Off to bed I go! Night, night!
Off to bed I go! Night, night!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Celebs in Atl- "Klaus"
So if you are a "teeny bopper" at heart like me and watch Vampire Diaries, then you will totally know who Klaus is...If not, then just know that he is a super cute British actor- enough said! :)
Last night, we were on one of the trains in Atlanta airport about to get off at baggage claim when I see this guy standing there that looked so familiar. All of a sudden, it clicked, he played Klaus on Vampire Diaries- one of my favorite shows! Luckily, I am not exactly shy, so as we were getting off the train, I tapped him and asked "Excuse me, are you Klaus?" (It would have been way smoother if I knew his real name, I know) and he smiled and said "Yes I am." I thought it over for a brief moment and realized the worst that could happen is he could say no, so I then asked if he would take a picture with me. He very sweetly said "Of course.," smiled for a pic with me and then introduced himself (his real name is Joseph) and told me he was just getting in from London. All in all, such a nice guy! I am thankful for the chance to meet a celeb from one of my fave shows- and that he was so nice!
Last night, we were on one of the trains in Atlanta airport about to get off at baggage claim when I see this guy standing there that looked so familiar. All of a sudden, it clicked, he played Klaus on Vampire Diaries- one of my favorite shows! Luckily, I am not exactly shy, so as we were getting off the train, I tapped him and asked "Excuse me, are you Klaus?" (It would have been way smoother if I knew his real name, I know) and he smiled and said "Yes I am." I thought it over for a brief moment and realized the worst that could happen is he could say no, so I then asked if he would take a picture with me. He very sweetly said "Of course.," smiled for a pic with me and then introduced himself (his real name is Joseph) and told me he was just getting in from London. All in all, such a nice guy! I am thankful for the chance to meet a celeb from one of my fave shows- and that he was so nice!
While I was in Colorado, I got such a surprise! I posted a picture of Richie and I right when we got there and my friend Andrea (who lives in Boulder) saw it and wrote on there that she wanted to come met up! Andrea is one of my absolute oldest friends. We met in 6th grade at Crabapple Middle School and instantly became best friends. We were pretty much inseparable all through middle school and high school, but then sadly started losing touch in college. She moved to Boulder after college for law school and we really haven't seen each other since then. We have talked a few times, but to have the chance to meet up and see each other was so exciting! Our last night there, she came to our house and rode to Vail with us and then came back and spent the night. It was soooooo good to see her and catch up- it really is crazy how with some friendships you can go years and years without seeing each other and it feel like no time has gone by at all when you finally do get together. I am so thankful for Andrea and for the chance to see her in Colorado!
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Andi and I in Vail |
New Year
I am thankful for a new year! Last year was good, but new years are always exciting because they are a fresh start and you never know what they may bring! I always do the cliche resolutions like lose weight, etc, but this year, I have simply one resolution. Better myself. I mean that in all aspects of my life. I want to eat healthier and exercise more of course, but that is not my sole resolution. I want to be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher, but still not my only resolution. I want to simply do and be better.
The way I plan to do that is to try and live more like the Lord wants me to. I know that God tells me my "body is a temple" 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, so in knowing that I will eat healthier and exercise because the Lord made me to take care of myself. The bible tells us to "Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4:32. By remembering that, surely I can be better to the people around me.
I am thankful for a new year and the chance to better myself through my resolution. What are your New Years resolutions??
The way I plan to do that is to try and live more like the Lord wants me to. I know that God tells me my "body is a temple" 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, so in knowing that I will eat healthier and exercise because the Lord made me to take care of myself. The bible tells us to "Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4:32. By remembering that, surely I can be better to the people around me.
I am thankful for a new year and the chance to better myself through my resolution. What are your New Years resolutions??
We flew to Denver on the 29th and drove to Breckenridge and did the necessary things- picked up skis, went to the house, etc. That night, we went over to Keystone, which is another ski resort nearby, for dinner and then went to bed fairly early so we could hit the slopes bright and early!
We were staying at a ski in, ski out, so we woke up the next morning and were off! We skied all day, went to a local pub for a bit, came back for dinner and the hot tub, and then called it an early night (you can't ever stay up too late on ski trips because you are so worn out!) Our plan the next day was to do Vail- Robbie, Richie, and Laura were going to ski and I was going to shop with the folks in Vail Village because I was dying to see it.
However, we awoke to no power, winds up to 100 mph, and a snow storm! The girls (what wimpy boys we have!) geared up and walked to town to get coffee and find out what the deal was. By the time we got back, the power was back on and they decided to go ski Keystone(which was the only ski resort that was running their lifts), but we were still going to explore Vail. That is, until we got down the road to a wreck and the officer told us there was a 5 car pile up, that 70 was on "high accident alert" and that "if we didn't absolutely have to be out- not to be". So instead, I curled by the fire all day, drank hot cocoa, read, and watched the snow fall through the trees. Pretty gorgeous. Even though I pretty much sat inside most of the day on one of the day of my vacation, I absolutely loved it. We rarely get snow in Georgia, and if we do, it certainly doesn't come with a view like I had there.
I am thankful for the beautiful snow and for a chance to just sit back and enjoy it!
We were staying at a ski in, ski out, so we woke up the next morning and were off! We skied all day, went to a local pub for a bit, came back for dinner and the hot tub, and then called it an early night (you can't ever stay up too late on ski trips because you are so worn out!) Our plan the next day was to do Vail- Robbie, Richie, and Laura were going to ski and I was going to shop with the folks in Vail Village because I was dying to see it.
However, we awoke to no power, winds up to 100 mph, and a snow storm! The girls (what wimpy boys we have!) geared up and walked to town to get coffee and find out what the deal was. By the time we got back, the power was back on and they decided to go ski Keystone(which was the only ski resort that was running their lifts), but we were still going to explore Vail. That is, until we got down the road to a wreck and the officer told us there was a 5 car pile up, that 70 was on "high accident alert" and that "if we didn't absolutely have to be out- not to be". So instead, I curled by the fire all day, drank hot cocoa, read, and watched the snow fall through the trees. Pretty gorgeous. Even though I pretty much sat inside most of the day on one of the day of my vacation, I absolutely loved it. We rarely get snow in Georgia, and if we do, it certainly doesn't come with a view like I had there.
I am thankful for the beautiful snow and for a chance to just sit back and enjoy it!
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View of it snowing from the couch |
Part of the reason I haven't blogged in forever is because we have been in Breckenridge, Colorado for the past 5 days! Instead of doing Christmas presents this year, my parents took us out there to go skiing! I have skied out west before, but only in Park City, and I've never been to Colorado. It is drop-dead gorgeous there! We had sooooo much fun skiing (Breckenridge and Copper- the others skied Keystone as well, more about that in a later post) and it was a great trip over all! I am so thankful for the chance to see beautiful Colorado and for our wonderful trip!
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In front of our house in Breckenridge Vail Village- SO cute! |
sleeping alllllllll day
So also in response to my being sick and in preparation for my upcoming trip, I decided to follow my husbands advice on sleep being the best cure for getting better! Man, I must have been exhausted from the school, because I did not think it was physically possible for me to sleep as long as I did. I got to my house from Memphis about 4 and immediately got in bed and fell asleep. Richie woke me up with soup, so I ate dinner and watched tv (in bed) and then promptly went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning when my husband brought me a bagel (isn't he the sweetest?) which I also ate in bed and watched a tv show and the went BACK to sleep until I finally got out of bed at 2 to pack, got to the library (had to have my books for the flight!),stayed up for an early dinner, and then back to bed until we left for Colorado the next morning! I am thankful for my entire days worth (longer, really!) of sleep and how much better it made me feel for my trip!
Breathe Right Strips
I've been away for awhile.... I went to visit my Nana after Christmas and then was in bed really sick, and have been on an amazing trip to Colorado since then, so needless to say, I have a lot of catching up to do!
So, I woke up Christmas morning with a horrible cold. The kind where you can't breathe, can't stop sneezing, the works. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a whirlwind of trips coming up. I was flying out that night to Memphis for a day and 1/2, coming back to Atlanta for another day and 1/2, and then leaving for a ski trip in Breckenridge Colorado for 5 days! So I definitely did not want to be sick!
We got in that night and I could not sleep (if you have ever tried to sleep medicine-less on a cold, you know what I mean) at all. The next day, I decided to try Breathe Right Strips. Let me tell you, those suckers work! I used them throughout my entire trip to Colorado (yea, I'm still sick...bummer!) They literally pull your nose apart though so you can breathe during the night and don't constantly have to blow your nose- pretty cool, huh?
I am thankful for Breath Right Strips and the peaceful sleep they give you! :)
So, I woke up Christmas morning with a horrible cold. The kind where you can't breathe, can't stop sneezing, the works. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a whirlwind of trips coming up. I was flying out that night to Memphis for a day and 1/2, coming back to Atlanta for another day and 1/2, and then leaving for a ski trip in Breckenridge Colorado for 5 days! So I definitely did not want to be sick!
We got in that night and I could not sleep (if you have ever tried to sleep medicine-less on a cold, you know what I mean) at all. The next day, I decided to try Breathe Right Strips. Let me tell you, those suckers work! I used them throughout my entire trip to Colorado (yea, I'm still sick...bummer!) They literally pull your nose apart though so you can breathe during the night and don't constantly have to blow your nose- pretty cool, huh?
I am thankful for Breath Right Strips and the peaceful sleep they give you! :)
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