Thursday, November 24, 2011


If you are a reader of my blog, you know the point of it is for me to come up with one thing I am thankful for every day for a year.  Currently, this is post 197, but there are several posts that name a few days worth in it, so I have come up with closer to the 205-210 range.  I must say, doing this has really caused me to think some days.  It is easy to name the people you are thankful for, etc but you can't come up with 365 "big" things like that, so you really have to dig deep some days and come up with seemingly insignificant things, like certain foods, etc.  Those things sounds kind of silly, but in reality, it shows us just how much we have to be thankful for- all of the indulgences we are afforded in our lives that others in other parts of the world may not have.  Stop and think for a moment about just how blessed you are in your life.

I am thankful for Thanksgiving, to get to spend time with family, and even more to have a reason to think about our blessings and be thankful for them.

Today, take some time to tell your loved ones that you are thankful for them! 

Happy Turkey Day!!  Gobble, gobble! :)

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