I will post one thing I am thankful for each day for the next year. "give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endure forever." psalms 136:1
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
a thankful heart
Wow, I cannot believe I have done a year's worth of thankful posts already. As cheesy as it may sound, it was a great journey! Some of the days it was incredibly difficult to come up with something that I was thankful for (that I hadn't already written about) and I would just sit and reflect back on the day until something popped into my head. Those moments were very cool because it made me realize all of the little things in life that I have to be thankful for...and all of those little things certainly do add up! Other days, I was bursting at the seams to blog and I had to force myself not to ramble on and on, even though I probably could have written pages. Through this year I have realized that I am very thankful for God's presence in my life, family, friends, and all of the small "mundane" things that we have to appreciate in order to make us happier people. I could honestly probably blog for another 365 days about totally new things I am thankful for because I have learned to look for and find the joy in all things. As my final blog post, I have to say that I am thankful for the fact that this blog did exactly what I wanted it to do. I set out to better myself and find happiness in all areas of my life, and that's exactly what happened. I am thankful for my thankful heart!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
perfect weekend
This past weekend, I did Race for the Cure with the team Michelle's Angels to support breast cancer research. I taught Michelle's oldest child and currently am teaching her youngest and I am so inspired by her faith throughout her battle with breast cancer. She is such an amazing woman, and I was so glad I was able to do the race with her family and friends! We had a great time, even in the drizzly weather and then my mom and I met Richie for a late breakfast once we made in back to Alpharetta. After a long nap :), I got ready for the Zac Brown concert! We went with a group of friends and had so much fun!
The next morning, we went to church and brunch with my family for Mothers Day and then had Richie's family over that evening for dinner! It was a very eventful weekend, but lots of fun! I am thankful for "perfect" weekends with family and friends!
The next morning, we went to church and brunch with my family for Mothers Day and then had Richie's family over that evening for dinner! It was a very eventful weekend, but lots of fun! I am thankful for "perfect" weekends with family and friends!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Hilton Head
This past weekend we went to Hilton Head with 4 other couples for a long weekend. We did a little relaxing, a little beach time, a little bike riding, a little swimming, and had a lot of fun! I am so thankful for the chance to get away and go to Hilton Head (one of my favorite places!) and for our wonderful friends that we went with! Such a great weekend!
Bryn and I met our freshmen year in college when we both pledged Phi Mu. Throughout our freshmen year, we became closer and by sophomore year, I knew she would be one of my lifelong friends. Bryn and I lived together for a year in college and a year outside of college and she has always been my own personal Ken Paves (haha) and taught me everything I know about make-up and hair! I can always be myself around B and tell her exactly what I am thinking and I love that we have that type of relationship. We have SO much fun when we are together (I was so ecstatic when I found out she was going to move to Atlanta for her internship and then stay after graduation!) and it definitely makes it more fun that our husbands are best friends too! Our anniversaries are even only a week apart, so we are all going to Mexico this summer to celebrate! So fun! I am so thankful for my friendship with Bryn and look forward to many more memories!
I have a pretty great big brother. I am the first to admit that sometimes we drive each other crazy (and definitely did when we were little), but as we have gotten older he has become one of my very best friends. It certainly helps that I adore his wife and he and Richie are little buddies because we do so much with them! People always tell me how lucky I am because Robbie and I are really good friends, to the point that we hang out with the same group of people!
Growing up, sometimes he was my tormenter (never too badly though!), sometimes my protector, but always he's been my big brother. I am so thankful to have him as that- and as my friend!
Growing up, sometimes he was my tormenter (never too badly though!), sometimes my protector, but always he's been my big brother. I am so thankful to have him as that- and as my friend!
Stephanie and I met our junior year at Auburn when she transferred from South Alabama and affiliated with Phi Mu. We instantly clicked and soon became inseparable! Stephanie and I have so many wonderful memories together from college (such as me introducing her to her husband Justin!!) and post-college and I can't imagine not having her in my life. She has always been such a voice of reason for me- either giving me her own advice or "Sex in the City" show therapy in college! :) I am so thankful for her friendship!
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An oldie but a goodie :) |
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Blogger App
I just found an App for Blogger, so I can blog from my phone (without having to pull up the website). Figures I would find it when my "thankful year" is almost up, but I am very thankful for the convenience it will provide for the next couple of days/weeks!
Dinner Club
I am in a Dinner Club with a group of friends (different than my recipe club that I've posted about before!). We meet once a month and take turns hosting it in pairs. Its the perfect excuse to get together with the girls over dinner and wine! So fun! We had it on Sunday and had make-your-own salads with fresh veggies and grilled chicken and shrimp. So yum! I'm hosting next month with two other girls so we have to start brainstorming what we will make! Any ideas??
I am thankful for my Dinner Club and my wonderful friends that I am in it with!
I am thankful for my Dinner Club and my wonderful friends that I am in it with!
Monday, April 30, 2012
orange jeans
Ok I try really hard not to be materialistic and write about clothes or items of that nature on here too often, but.... I found a pair of orange skinny jean capris this weekend! And before you think I'm too crazy, yes- bright jeans ARE in style! :) As an Auburn alum that is married to a Tennessee alum, these are possibly one of the best purchases I have made. They are sooooo adorable for spring and summer and they will be even cuter come football season (esp paired with the adorable navy and white striped top I got to go with them! War Eagle!)
I am thankful for my cute orange jeans!
I am thankful for my cute orange jeans!
I am thankful for weekends, plain and simple. They gone you a chance to regroup after a busy week, spend some time with friends and maybe family, and then be ready for the next week ahead! Thank goodness for our weekends!
Patience is a virtue..
...and one that I am continually working on as I am sure we all are! I am thankful for my patience, especially as we near the end of the school year!
slip n slide
I was a very much a big kid at our Field Day this year and I am not afraid to admit it! We had a giant inflatable slip n slide for the kids and my thought was...why do they get to have all the fun?? :) A couple of the other teachers and I went down it a few times- such a blast and our kids thought it was the coolest thing ever! I am thankful for slip n slides and being able to act like a kid!
Tervis Tumblers
So silly, but I am thankful for my Tervis Tumblers! I am a water fiend during the day so I alway have one of the big ones that comes with a lid and straw- love it! If you don't have any, I strongly recommend them!
front porch time
One of my favorite things about my house is my little front porch. We have two wicker rocking chairs out there and Richie and I love to sit out there. On Saturday and Sunday mornings we will take coffee outside and sit while we talk or Richie reads the paper on his iPad and I read. When it's nice out, we'll take a beer or glass of wine out there and sit outside right before the sun goes down and just talk about our day. It's one of my favorite places because that's one of my favorite thins to do- just relax with my sweet hubby. I am thankful for my cozy front porch!
I am thankful for church on Sunday mornings. I love how it starts your week off on the right foot with everything put in the proper perspective. Now I just need to keep working on keeping that perspective all week!
I love everything about Chick-Fil-A. I love their: customer service, Christian values as an organization, waffle fries, spicy chicken sandwiches, salads, chicken biscuits, lemonade, the fact that they will make you a grilled chicken bagel in the morning if you ask. They are pretty much the best fast food ever! I am thankful for delicious Chick-Fil-A and hope I never have to move to one of those crazy states that doesn't have them!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
sweet school parents
I had the sweetest parent in my class bring me a homemade lunch today. How thoughtful is that?? I am thankful for sweet school parents!
Field trip
I am by no means a music expert, but I do love music! I have since I was about three and would stand on the counter and belt out some Reba! My taste in music is extremely eclectic, with my favorites ranging from The Beatles to Britney Spears and that's what I love about it! It can evoke every emotion in me and bring back such memories- good, bad, hilarious, even trivial ones. Hearing a certain song can take you right back to childhood, high school, college, etc and make you feel like you are right there again. Likewise, if I'm in a great mood or a horrible mood all I want to do is get in my car, roll the windows down, and sing as loud as I kind- although the song choice would of course change depending on the mood! ;) I am thankful for music and the effect it has on me. This world would be a very boring place without it!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
sleepytime tea
I am thankful for a mug of sleepytime tea with some honey in it. I just fixed a glass and sat outside with Richie on the front porch for a little while. What a perfect way to end my day! Night!!
delicious healthy lunch
As a teacher, I can't go out to lunch unless I run get fast food. So my choices are to bring lunch or buy school lunch. Needless to say, I go with the bringing my lunch option. Since I bring it every day, I love when I have lunches that I am looking forward to eating. This week is one of those weeks. For my lunches this week I have sliced smoked chicken sausage, pretzel thins, Laughing Cow cheese, salt and pepper pistachios, and then grapes for a snack later. Doesn't that sound so yummy? :) I am thankful for my delicious, healthy lunches this week!
birthday dinners
Sunday night my family went to Miltons to celebrate Richie and Laura's birthdays. Since their b'days are so close together, we just combined them and just did one dinner! It was so nice- we sat outside and there was a guy playing guitar and singing. Plus you get free dessert at Miltons on your bday so we had carrot cake AND Mississippi Mud Pie- soooooo yum!! I am thankful for fmaily birthday dinners!
puppy sedatives
Wrigley is usually a pretty chill dog. He will get a little hyper when new people come over or when he is with other dogs, but when he is at home is L-A-Z-Y. However, he is extremely skittish about random things, one of which being getting his nails clipped. He completely freaks out and considering he weighs about 100 pounds, it is no easy feat to get them clipped when he is wiggling all over the place like a crazy man. His nails had gotten out of control though so something had to be done. Long story short, a vet recommended that we give him 2 sedatives instead of the recommended 1 before bringing him in. It worked like a charm. He was staggering all over the place and was half asleep by the time we got in there. They said it took a few of them to get him to lay down, but once they did, he had no problem with them clipping his nails! He then came home and proceeded to sleep for about the next 24 hours. I am thankful for puppy sedatives and that they let my poor (giant) dog get his nails trimmed without having to be completely put under! Phew!
Happe Hour
When the weather is nice, our grade level (plus a few who have taught first and moved on to other grades) goes to the Happe's house for Happe Hour! We all bring something to share, some beverages, and we sit outside for hours talking and laughing (unfortunately for the guys besides Daniel, the convo usually turns back to school! Only teachers like to talk about work outside of work!) This past Happe Hour was even more special because we had a surprise baby shower for Trisha and Steve! Even though I missed the surprise part of it (oops!), it was so fun and they got lots of cute boy clothes!
I am thankful for Happe Hours and my wonderful co-workers and friends.
I am thankful for Happe Hours and my wonderful co-workers and friends.
tail thumps
I am thankful for the sound of my dog Wrigley's tail thumping. So silly and strange, but it just makes me happy to hear that giant tail thumping against the floor when I say his name or know he is happy. :) I know, we obviously don't have kids yet because he is our spoiled rotten baby!
I have several people in my life who are going through things right now where I wish I could do more for them. I have things in my life that I may be anxious about or wanting to happen. That is why I am so thankful for prayer.
"And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive. "Matthew 21: 22
God may not give me exactly what I want or am asking for, but he will answer my prayers in the way that best works for my life and for His plan for my life. When I feel helpless with situations that people I care about are going through, I have to remember that I can give them something far greater than any thing physical I could supply them- my prayers. God hears what we ask and he answers us always. We sometimes just have to sit quietly, wait, and listen.
"And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive. "Matthew 21: 22
God may not give me exactly what I want or am asking for, but he will answer my prayers in the way that best works for my life and for His plan for my life. When I feel helpless with situations that people I care about are going through, I have to remember that I can give them something far greater than any thing physical I could supply them- my prayers. God hears what we ask and he answers us always. We sometimes just have to sit quietly, wait, and listen.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Happy 28th birthday to my wonderful husband, Richie! Richie and I met and fell in love the year after we graduated college when our mutual friend Jessica introduced us. After a whirlwind romance, we got engaged and married on July 26, 2008. Our four years of marriage have in no way been easy (we have encountered everything from buying a house and a dog to having to live in different states briefly), but they sure have been fun! For every "tough" thing that we have had to encounter, Richie has shown me time and time again just why I fell in love with him. He is loyal to the core and he loves me so deeply that he will do anything to protect me. Richie makes me laugh every day with songs he makes up about our dog or silly little jokes. He is the person I can go to when I need someone to lift my spirits and make me feel better. He is also the shoulder I can cry on no matter what. In other words, he is my other half; the peanut butter to my jelly, the milk to my cookies. There is nobody else I would rather wake up to each morning, no one I would rather kiss goodnight. I am so thankful for my adorable, smart, handsome, silly, hilarious, brave, wonderful husband. Happy birthday baby!
XOXO, Gossip Girl
I am thankful that my absolute favorite show (it's no secret that I kind of want to be Blair Waldorf) Gossip Girl is back on after a brief hiatus! It makes Mondays so much more enjoyable! :)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
He is Risen!
I have a God who gave his Son to die for my sins. Jesus died and rose from the dead so that I will have eternal life and have a place in heaven. I am more thankful for that than I ever could be anything else in this world.
finally home!
I am thankful to finally get home to my husband and pup after a long, long, long 13 hour car ride! It also made it fun that Jenna and Michael were there waiting with a glass of wine!
time with the folks
I have some pretty fabulous parents. I really do enjoy their company and we had a really good time on our trip! We had breakfast every morning on our balcony, did different excursions on the islands, laid out some, hit the casinos, mom and I went to the spa; all in all a pretty perfect week! I am thankful that I got to spend my spring break with my parents, no matter how dorky that sounds!
different cultures
I am thankful for the chance to learn about different cultures when visiting other countries. For instance, I learned that goat is a delicacy in Aruba, but that they will get into your yard and eat your plants so people put up cactus walls to keep them out. I also learned that on Good Friday, many people walk from downtown all the way to the most beautiful church on top of this hill, and stop at each cross along the way and pray. Once they get to the church, a family member picks them up to bring them home. It is very interesting to visit different places and find out a little about how they live compared to us.
Curacao Cooking Class
When we were in Curacao, we signed up for an excursion that was a cooking class! It was in a 100 year old house and we walked through the town to get there and got a little of the history along the way. Once we were there, we made cucumber and tomato salsa, hidden sardine puff pastries (I hate sardines and these were actually good!), cheese puff pastries, plantain soup, fried plantains, curacao chicken, and pumpkin pancakes with vanilla ice cream and curacao liqueur sauce. Of course there was also plenty of wine to go along with the cooking and eating! It was a lot of fun making the food and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked all of it! I always thought I hated plantains, but the plantain soup was actually delicious! I am thankful for our fun and yummy Curacao cooking class!
texts and technology
While I was on my trip, I had service the entire time we were on the boat, even in the middle of the ocean. How amazing is technology?? Now, it would have been crazy expensive for me to use it, but Richie was able to text me throughout the week so I could at least see his texts while I was gone and then I could text him when I got to one of the islands through an international plan on my parents phone. I am thankful for technology and text messaging!
I get every type of motion sick there is...car sick, sea sick, air sick. I can't read in the car, when we go to to the mountains I have to sit up front...not fun. I am thankful for bonine, which is a chewable motion sicknesss medicine that doesn't make you drowsy. Whenever we go on cruises, I take one every day and I really don't even feel the boat moving, and if I do a little, it doesn't bother me! :)
This Spring Break, I went on a cruise with my wonderful parents! My mom works in a school, so we usually try to do something over our break, and now that my dad is retired, he likes to tag along as well! We went on the Crown Princess out of Fort Lauderdale and went to a private island,Curacao and Aruba. We had such a great time on it; relaxing, laying out, etc! I am thankful for cruises and for my wonderful parents for taking me!
Spring Break
One of the fabulous perks of being a teacher is that I always have a Spring Break. Whether I go somewhere or not, it is always nice to have a week off to recoup and rest before we hit the ground running for the remainder of the school year. I am very thankful for Spring Break!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Ten years ago today, my high school boyfriend and first love was tragically killed in a car accident. I honestly cannot believe that it has already been 10 years; it feels like just yesterday that he was here.
Matt was so full of life; he had so much energy and enthusiasm and anyone who met him was instantly a friend. Matt was a guy who loved driving around with the top and doors off on his green Jeep Wrangler, playing football for Milton on Friday nights, and laughing with his friends.
A side some people may not have known was that he also loved singing every word to Hotel California (and occasionally some Nysnc) :), baking perfect apple pies, and eating ham sandwiches with ketchup. He loved making up silly nicknames like Lil Turtle and Buttercup Butterfly that had no rhyme or reason except they made his girlfriend smile. Matt loved writing poems to express all that he was feeling inside, and they were so full of heart and insight.
I learned so much from Matt. I learned to always believe in myself and to stand up for who I am. I learned that laughter should be my best friend. I learned what love was, even at that young age.
I am so incredibly thankful for the chance to have known and loved Matt. I wouldn't trade my memories with him for anything in the world- they are so precious to me. Matt, I am so thankful to have had you in my life... I was forever changed by you.
Matt was so full of life; he had so much energy and enthusiasm and anyone who met him was instantly a friend. Matt was a guy who loved driving around with the top and doors off on his green Jeep Wrangler, playing football for Milton on Friday nights, and laughing with his friends.
A side some people may not have known was that he also loved singing every word to Hotel California (and occasionally some Nysnc) :), baking perfect apple pies, and eating ham sandwiches with ketchup. He loved making up silly nicknames like Lil Turtle and Buttercup Butterfly that had no rhyme or reason except they made his girlfriend smile. Matt loved writing poems to express all that he was feeling inside, and they were so full of heart and insight.
I learned so much from Matt. I learned to always believe in myself and to stand up for who I am. I learned that laughter should be my best friend. I learned what love was, even at that young age.
I am so incredibly thankful for the chance to have known and loved Matt. I wouldn't trade my memories with him for anything in the world- they are so precious to me. Matt, I am so thankful to have had you in my life... I was forever changed by you.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
more time to talk
We just went to dinner after the kickball game and had, to put it nicely, not the best service. So, in the spirit of finding things to be thankful for in all situations, I am thankful that our slow service gave us more of a chance to talk tonight! As usual the girls sat at one end of the table and the boys at the other, so we had plenty of time to chat while and dinner...and I am thankful for that! :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Patio weather
One of my favorite things to do is eat outside on beautiful days with live music playing. Tonight I met some friends at Nine in Historic Roswell for dinner and we sat outside on the patio and there was a guy singing...talking about a perfect Tuesday night! I am thankful that the weather is getting nice enough to sit outside again! I love patio weather!
Monday, March 26, 2012
staying light later
I am thankful that it is staying light out later! It makes me so sleepy in winter when it is dark by 6, so it is such a nice change to have the sun still put until almost 8 now!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunny days with my hubby
In case you haven't been outside today, it is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Richie and I went to church this morning, and then went and sat outside at Cheeky's for lunch to enjoy this weather! After that, we did a couple of errands and came home to do some stuff we needed to do at home. We opened the windows as soon as we got home so we could still enjoy this weather even while inside! I am thankful for beautiful, sunny days and spending them with my hubby!
lilac nails
Again, maybe another silly one, but they make me smile as well. :) I got a manicure yesterday my mom and in case you have been hiding under a rock, pastels are in this spring! I am thankful for my lilac fingernails that make me smile when I look at them!
new phone case!
I got the cutest phone case that came in the mail on Friday. I know it's silly to be thankful for things like a phone case, but it's the little things in life that make me smile, so I am thankful for my cute new phone case! :)
I have allergies...bad allergies. So I am very tahnkful for seasonal allergy meds, like Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, etc. I usually have to switch it up each allergy season so I don't get immune to one drug and I am currently on Claritin. I must say, for the amount of pollen we have been having, it has been doing a pretty good job. Minus one pollen-induced headache on Saturday, I really haven't been affected all that much; and for me, that a big deal! I am thankful for my Claritin that is keeping me from sneezing my head off!
soccer practice with a sweet girl
On Wednesday night, I got to take one of my sweet students to soccer practice. Her family is going through a lot right now, and I asked if I could do this as a simple way for me to help out. I picked her up from her play practice at school and we just chatted away the whole way there. I loved getting to watch her play- she scored a goal- woo hoo! I took her back home after practice was over and we talked some more on the way home. It was fun to get to spend some one on one time with her and (hopefully) provide some help to her family at the same time. I am thankful for the chance to attend soccer practice with such a sweet little girl!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Today is my wonderful sister-in-law's birthday! My entire life growing up I wanted a sister more than anything. Someone to share clothes and secrets with, an "instant friend" on family vacations...you get the drift. Well I didn't get that growing up, but I did get it 25 years later when my brother married Laura. She is everything I would have asked for in a real sister- loyal, funny, kind, good taste in clothes (raiding each other's closets is what sisters do, right?)! :) She truly is one of my very best friends and I am so blessed and thankful to have her as my sister-in-law. Love you Laura!
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Bud and Alley's this summer |
Monday, March 19, 2012
Grilling time!
I love grilling out (or rather, Richie grilling out!). It's not our typical choice of meal in the winter though, so I love when it starts getting warm again and we can start grilling out! Richie grilled teriyaki chicken tonight for sandwiches that were so good! I am thankful for grilling out weather!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Ginny Owens
I have been listening to Ginny Owens on itunes while I have been catching up on my blog (shame on me for getting behind again!), and I just love her music! I thnk I said this in another post, but if you ahve never heard her, download her now! She is a Christian singer, but not a "cheesy" one (that sounds horrible, doesn't it?) I am thankful for Ginny Owens and her songs that I love singing along with!
St. Patrick's Day
I had probably the most low-key St. Patrick's Day I have had in a very long time this weekend! I started my day with a morning spin class, then came home and relaxed for a bit and went out with my mom to look for some stuff for Spring Break (bathing suits, etc) After that I met Richie and Robbie at Old Blinde Dog (an Irish Pub in Crabapple) for one beer, and we walked over to Vintage Pizza for dinner. Wow, I am so old! Even though my St. Patrick's Day was extremely tame, I am thankful for St. Patrick's Day and the chance to be outside for a bit enjoying a nice cold beverage! Plus it Rebe's bday!
my school
I have been teaching at my school for 6 years and every day I feel so blessed to be at the school that I am. We had our basket raffle on Friday, so there were tons of my current students and parents as well as former ones and I realized how lucky I am to be in such a great community and school. I am truly thankful for my school and my job... Now I just need to remind myself of that for the next 10 days leading to Spring Break! JK :)
mini cupcakes
I had a CAbi party this week and decided to go very low-key on the food this time. I did a cheese tray and ordered mini cupcakes from Jilly's. I had never had Jilly's before, but they were sooo yummy! They are the perfect size to enjoy a sweet treat, but without the guilt! I am thankful for delicious mini cupcakes!
Spring has Sprung!
Ok, so I know it isn't officially spring yet, but it sure feels like it outside! It has been absolutely beautiful the past couple of days! Even though we had an extremely mild winter, I was getting very anxious for some warmer weather and am very thankful that it is here!
free gym membership!
My school is doing a fitness challenge (actually it ended on Friday, so stayed tuned to see if my team won!) and as part of it, the Lifetime Fitness near my school gave all the staff members that are participating a free 3 month membership! Pretty nice, huh? I am thankful for my free 3 month gym membership!
handwritten cards
With our world of text messages and emails, it is very rare to get handwritten cards in the mail anymorw. That's what makes it all the more exciting when you do! My sweet Nana is good about sending cards in the mail, and I always love opening my mailbox to find an envelope with my name actually written on it! I am thankful for handwritten cards! When's the last time you sent one to someone you love?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Daylight Savings
I am thankful for daylight savings so it will start staying light later! Hooray for summer coming!
Bridesmaid Dress Shopping!
As I mentioned in a previous post, my best friend Brittany is engaged!!! I am her matron of honor and that entails helping her with whatever she needs for the wedding, which includes super fun things like...shopping for bridesmaid dresses!!! Our friends Jenna, Stephanie, and I all went to Montgomery on Friday and spent the night so we could go look the next morning. We tried on tons of dresses and found 3 really pretty ones that come in the color she wants (pink of course!). Best of all, we got to see her try on her gorgeous wedding dress!! All in all, it was pretty perfect! I am thankful for the chance to look for bridesmaid dresses with my best friend and can't wait to do even more wedding things!
I drove to Montgomery on Friday to see my best friend Brittany (see next post). I always get so sick of the radio when I am in the car, plus you always get to that point where the radio stations start getting fuzzy but you can't pick up new ones. I am thankful for my ipod (or really my iphone because I use it on there) so I can just listen to my music from there on road trips!
my father's eye..brows that is
And no, sorry Dad, that's actually not what I am thankful for in this post. I was blessed with many features from both of my parents, one being my dad's eyebrows. They are dark and, if I let them be, bushy. Hence what I am actually thankful for today: eyebrow waxing (I just couldn't bring myself to title my post that!) There is no way I could ever let my eyebrows grow to what nature intended them to be and plucking kills me for some reason, so I choose to wax. It's quick, not to painful, and keeps me looking well-groomed. For that, I am very thankful!
a chance to "help"
My wonderful and inspiring bible study leader (see her blog here) is going through chemo and radiation right now. It is always hard to see people in your life going through difficult things, especially when you don't know what to do. I think we look for ways to help as a way to reach out and show we care. I had the opportunity to bring dinner over for her family on Wednesday, and I am thankful for the opportunity to help her out, even in such a simple manner as bringing a meal. Those acts that we do (hopefully) show the love and prayer that we are sending with our hearts during times of need.
This is the time of year where it starts getting really hard for me to get up in the morning. My students are ready for Spring Break, I'm ready for Spring Break, and the thought of leaving my bed each morning gives me such dread for some reason. It's not that I don't want to go into work- I love my job- it's just that I am constantly tired for some reason. Maybe it's because work is more draining since, as I mentioned before, we are all ready for Spring Break. Maybe I'm staying up a little later. Who knows? No matter the reason, I am very thankful for my cup of coffee in the morning. I don't think I would make it through my mornings without it. :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
I was thinking today about faith and just wondering how people manage to get through life's trials without it. I can't imagine going through even the day to day things life can throw at us without having faith in God, but what about when something really big is going on. Then what do you do and who do you turn to? You see people in your life who get thrown curve ball after curve ball, yet their faith holds them together and keeps them going through things I cannot even begin to imagine. I was reminded of that today and I continue to be in awe of how strong faith can make someone. I am thankful for my faith.
Baby Noa Leigh Borland
spin class
I went to my very first spin class Saturday morning, and I must admit I was a little nervous beforehand. You always hear how intense spin classes are, so I had this fear I was going to throw up, pass out, or simply not be able to do it. Well I made it through without doing any of those things and felt great afterwards (minus the sore booty!) I think I have found my new Saturday morning tradition! I am thankful that I made it through my first spin class, and that I enjoyed it enough that I want to go back! haha
spring flowers
I saw the prettiest flowers on my way to work Friday morning and snapped a quick picture while I was at a light! Even though they irritate my allergies, I am thankful for beautiful spring flowers (especially tulips!) and how they make me smile when I see them- even bright and early on the way to work! :)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Fitness "Body Love" Section
Does anyone else rip out the "Body Love" section from Cosmo? It advertises that it's a 6 minute workout, but it totally takes me more than 6 minutes to do them all! They are perfect exercises to do while watching tv and each month targets a different area. Since that I am starting to think bathing suit season, I did the "Cellulite Schmellulite" one tonight while watching Revenge. I am thankful for the Body Love section in Cosmo, so I can get bikini ready and catch up on my favorite shows!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
pork chops
I loooove pork chops. So random, I know, but they are one of my favorites for dinner! I am thankful for good 'ole pork chops with a little seasoning and then pan fried (or even better, with shake and bake like from my childhood!). I am thankful for the delicious pork chops we had for dinner tonight!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
little reminders....
I was doing my bible study homework on thankfulness (You know I love this week's chapter!) when I had one of the most amazing "aha" moments with God. It was talking about how He sometimes uses times of tragedy to allow us to later comfort someone who is going through similar. I instantly thought of a girl I went to high school with who had lost her brother in a car accident. A couple of years later, when my ex boyfriend Matt was also killed in a car accident, she reached out to me and sent me some books that had helped her as well as a journal to write to him in. It was one of the most thoughtful things anyone could have done for me in a time when most people didn't know what to say. As I was reading "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our afflictions so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we are comforted by God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, I instantly thought of her and knew I needed to contact her and tell her (10 years later) just how much that meant to me and what an impression it made on me.
I am thankful for the little reminders God gives us in life for what to be thankful for- even 10 years later.
I am thankful for the little reminders God gives us in life for what to be thankful for- even 10 years later.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Morning Burst face wash
My alarm goes off at 5:45 every morning and I absolutely hate the sound of it. No matter how early I go to bed, that always feels insanely early to me. That is why I love my face wash. I use the Morning Burst Clean and Clear kind, and it has a citrus scent to it that somehow help me wake up each morning. Sounds strange I know, but as I was in the shower this morning, I realized that I am thankful for my face wash and the little burst of energy it gives me. Because trust me, when you get up that early every day, you need any help you can get!
Yes, I do realize that I totally sound like a Clean and Clear commercial right now... haha!
Yes, I do realize that I totally sound like a Clean and Clear commercial right now... haha!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Blueberry crunchcakes
We went to J Christophers after breakfast and I got what I personally think is the best thing on their menu, the blueberry crunchcakes. They are blueberry pancakes with granola in them and they are to die for! I am thankful for this splurge breakfast that I rarely have and how yummy they were!
new shelf
I got the most adorable new shelf for my kitchen from this antique store, Queen of Hearts. My mom and I put it up in my kitchen yesterday (we had to move my chalkboard to the other side of it, but it looks so cute all together!). I still have to fill one of the drawers; I think I am going to put some of my grandmother's silverware in it. I am also going to put round chalkboard labels on all the drawers and label them...In case you can't tell what is is them, it is napkin rings and napkins so far. I am also going to hang some dried lavender from the last hook. I am thankful for my cute new kitchen shelf!
I had my physical on Friday and it got me thinking... Unless something is wrong, our health is something we really take for granted. I am very thankful for the fact that I am healthy and have no health issues besides the minor day to day things that everyone goes through. I pray that I stay thankful for my health and do not take it for granted!
Spinach Mushroom Quiche
I made a crustless spinach mushroom quiche this week for my breakfast as a way to help get my 3 servings of veggies a day in, and I must say it was so yummy! You grease a pie pie and then put thawed and drained spinach on the bottom. Saute sliced mushrooms and garlic and layer on top of the spinach. Mix together milk (I think 1 cup) and 4 eggs (I used just the whites and it worked just as well) with a little parmesan cheese and pour on top. Top the whole thing with some mozzarella and bake at 350 for 45 min to an hour. I am thankful for this make ahead and delicious breakfast that helped me get my veggies in!
birds singing in the morning
Lately I have been waking up to birds singing in the morning, which is such a pleasant sound! I am thankful to be hearing birds sing and for the fact that it means spring must be around the corner!
Cortisone shot
So, as I mentioned in my post about ice packs, I somehow hurt my shoulder. Turns out I have tendinitis which was caused in one way or another by the fact that I have unstable, loose joints (I never knew!) I got a cortisone shot in my rotators cuff at the orthopedist's office and I am very thankful for the relief it brought me!
four day weekends
I am thankful for four day weekends. They give you a chance to regroup, get caught up on sleep, and make it for the next few weeks until Spring Break!
ice packs
I hurt my shoulder somehow... (see future blog post about it), so I am thankful for ice packs and the relief they bring to inflammation!
I could live in sweatshirts in the winter time, especially on the weekends. To me there is nothing more cozy than a sweatshirt and a pair of leggings or pajama pants! I am thankful for my comfy, cozy sweatshirts that I can lay around in and be lazy!
Friends in town
Our friends Micheal and Jenna came in town and stayed with us last Friday! Micheal is one of Richie's best friends from college and Jenna is one of my best friends from college and they are dating. Pretty fun, huh?! Jenna got in town early enough to go to dinner with us and then we met Micheal back at the house and just hung out Friday night. Saturday we hung out while the boys watched basketball and then they went downtown for the evening. I am so thankful to have them as friends and am glad we got to spend some time with them while they were in town!
The bible study I am currently doing is about learning how to really pray, and how to develop a quiet time with God. The chapters we have been studying have been about confessing our sins to God, acknowledging that they are wrong, and then accepting that they are forgiven. I don't know about you, but one of the things I have always had the hardest time understanding is that we are instantly forgiven once we truly confess to our sins. I think the reason I have such a hard time with it is because we are human and we want to hold grudges, so forgiveness takes so much work for us. The bible tells us it is true though, so I know that it is. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 I am so, so thankful that we have a Lord who is willing to wipe our slate clean every time we mess up. All we have to do is ask Him. How amazing is that??
pink roses
Richie and I decided not to exchange gifts this year for Valentines Day since we have been travelling so much lately and are continuing to this summer. However, my sweet, sweet husband still had beautiful pink roses for me when I got home on Valentines Day. I am thankful for my pink flowers (and for my wonderful hubby!)
Homemade Lasagna (and not by me!)
I had the sweetest parent in my class bring me half a pan of homemade lasagna and brownies to school on Valentine's Day! I had some for lunch and then brought it home and that was mine and Richie's Valentine's dinner as well. It was soooo delicious, and the best part was that I didn't have to make it! I am so incredibly thankful for thoughtful gestures like that. They really make a huge difference in your day and week. When I am a parent and have kids in school, I am going to remember to do little things like that for my kids' teachers!
my water cup
Love is in the air!
You will have to forgive me for getting incredibly behind again... I am having to go back about two weeks to make up for my non-blogging! Oops!
I have incredibly exciting news for this post though! My best friend Brittany is engaged!!!! She and her fiance Zack and dated off and on since we have been in college and he is a wonderful guy and they are so happy and perfect together! They are getting married August 18 (my parents anniversary!) and I am beyond thrilled for the two of them! I am so thankful that my best friend (and twin!) has found the man she is going to spend the rest of her life with. I know that he will make her so happy and for that, I am truly thankful!
I have incredibly exciting news for this post though! My best friend Brittany is engaged!!!! She and her fiance Zack and dated off and on since we have been in college and he is a wonderful guy and they are so happy and perfect together! They are getting married August 18 (my parents anniversary!) and I am beyond thrilled for the two of them! I am so thankful that my best friend (and twin!) has found the man she is going to spend the rest of her life with. I know that he will make her so happy and for that, I am truly thankful!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Believe it or not, my hair isn't completely naturally this color.. haha :) I went today to get highlights that I have desperately been needing to get and I feel so much better now! So shallow, I know, but I figure most girls highlight their hair. I am thankful for highlights and the difference they can make in your "natural" hair color!
Valentine's Party
We had our class Valentine's party yesterday and it went wonderfully. My kids were all well behaved, most of the parents came, and everyone seemed to have a great time! We had a snack station, a Bingo center, and then they made adorable sand art heart necklaces, and then decorated frames that had their pictures in them with hearts. All in all, a great party! I am thankful for our fun Valentine's party!
pajama day!
My kids filled up their PLAINS chart (a behavior incentive we do at my school), so I let them pick their reward and they picked a pajama day, which I was very happy about! I am thankful for pajama days at school so I don't have to think about what to wear to work and so I can be cozy and comfy all day...I just can't run any errands on the way home! :)
Walking the dogs
Wednesday was such a beautiful day out, that I wanted to take Wrigley for a run after school. However, we are watching my parents dog Bo while they are on a cruise, so I felt really guilty taking Wrigs and not him. So, I decided since it was so pretty I would do both! I took Wrigley for a run around the neighborhood and then came back and took Bo on a walk (he's 13- a little too old for a run) around the neighborhood. I am thankful for an excuse (make that two excuses) to get out of the house on a beautiful day!
We are doing a fitness challenge at school and one of the components is to eat 3 serving of veggies and 3 servings of fruit each day. One of way I am getting my fruit is to have a smoothie for breakfast. I have been making it the night before, so all I have to do is reblend to save on time, and it tastes just as good that way! To make my yummy smoothie, you need: 1/2 cup oj, 1 3/4 cup low fat plain Greek yogurt, 1 sliced banana, 1 cup strawberries (I use frozen. Way cheaper and it give the smoothie an icy component without adding ice), 1 cup blueberries(also frozen), and 1 tbsp honey. Blend. It makes about 3 smoothies- just keep it in the blender in the refrigerator until the next morning and re-blend for a couple of seconds. I am thankful to get most of my fruit servings for the day in my breakfast smoothie!
Homemade Tomato Soup
I got very ambitious this weekend and made homemade tomato basil soup to take for lunch each day. It was surprisingly easy, very healthy, and so yummy!!
In a pot, you combine, 2 cups chicken broth, 2 lbs roma tomatoes cut into wedges, diced celery, diced onion, 1 tbsp tomato paste, and 1 tbsp basil. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 min. Put 1/2 the soup in blender and blend until you get desired textured. Repeat with rest of soup. Here's the key to making it absolutely divine- Just before eating, add a spoonful of plain Greek yogurt. It gives it some creaminess, but still keeps it healthy. Soooooo good!!!! I am thankful for the homemade tomato soup that I had each day for lunch last week!
In a pot, you combine, 2 cups chicken broth, 2 lbs roma tomatoes cut into wedges, diced celery, diced onion, 1 tbsp tomato paste, and 1 tbsp basil. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 min. Put 1/2 the soup in blender and blend until you get desired textured. Repeat with rest of soup. Here's the key to making it absolutely divine- Just before eating, add a spoonful of plain Greek yogurt. It gives it some creaminess, but still keeps it healthy. Soooooo good!!!! I am thankful for the homemade tomato soup that I had each day for lunch last week!
Ryan and Megan!
I am so, so, so excited about this post! My wonderful brother-in-law, Ryan, got engaged last Sunday!! They went hiking and he proposed while they were up there and then we all went to dinner that night (Richie and I and his parents and her parents and one of her sisters, and of course the newly engaged couple!) They have been dating for a while now, so we have all been waiting for it to happen and I am so thrilled for the two of them! I am very thankful for my brother-in-law Ryan, who is a very caring, strong guy and I am am beyond happy that he has found someone to spend the rest of his life with. I am also very thankful for mine and Richie's soon-to-be new sister-in-law Megan!! :) Yay!!!!
"crush" on my husband
So I came across this adorable idea on someone's facebook and did it as a random surprise for Richie after going to the grocery store. I bought a bottle of the soda Crush and just wrote on it "I have a CRUSH on you." Super cheesy, I know, but I feel like in a marriage sometimes you need to do those cheesy little things! He thought it was cute and thoroughly enjoyed his orange soda this week. I am thankful for the fact that after 3 1/2 years of marriage, I do still have "crush" on my husband!
shrimp quesadillas
I love, love, love Mexican food. We went to a Mexican restaurant near our house, Cheeky's, with some friends last Friday (yes, I am that far behind on my posts) and I had the yummiest dinner. I had a shrimp, spinach, and mushroom quesadilla. Absolutely delicious! I am thankful for shrimp quesadillas and a night out with friends!
Groundhog's Day
I am way behind again, hence why I am just now thankful for Groundhogs Day! Such a silly holiday to be thankful for, I know, but let me give you my reason. While I love "winter gear" (boots, coats, and scarves), I really don't like being cold all that much. So, I love the optimism that Groundhog;s Day can bring when he doesn't see his shadow and I can see Spring in the very near future! As I told my students this year, the national groundhog did see his shadow, but our GA one didn't, so I am going to stick with him. Here we come, Spring!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Spirit Day
The first school day of the month is Spirit Day, which means we can wear jeans and a Creek View shirt or Creek View colors. I am thankful for spirit days and the chance to be casual in the middle of the week every now and then!
Monogram Necklace
I love all things monogram. I have been wanting a monogram necklace for a while now, but it wasn't something that I was going to just go out and get for myself. I was completely shocked to get one from my parents for Christmas (especially since we weren't supposed to be doing Christmas gifts since we were going skiing!) I am pretty sure I have worn it every single day (with the exception of maybe 3) since I got it because I love it so much and it goes with absolutely everything! I am thankful for my adorable monogram necklace!
"Our house is blessed..."sign
While we were in Breckenridge, I saw a little sign that was absolutely perfect for my house! If you know Richie and I, you know that Wrigley is our baby, so as soon as I saw this sign in a store, I knew I had to get it!
I am thankful for this cute little sign and for the fact that it makes me smile every time I see it!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
down comforters
I love down comforters. I love when I am being lazy, pulling one down onto the couch and cuddling up- which is exactly what I did this afternoon. I am thankful for down comforters to cuddle in to!
"family time"
I am thankful for "family time" where we pull Wrigley in the middle of us in bed in the morning and cuddle! It is one of my favorite parts of the weekend!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The new Friday night out
So it used to be that Friday nights to me were all about getting ready, pre-drinking at someones house or apt, and then going to the bars until 2 or 3 am. Luckily, our Friday nights have changed some since then!We usually still hang out with friends, but it is much more low key. Last night, we went to dinner with 3 couples and hung out there for a while. We ran into another couple we hang out with and chatted with them for a bit, and had a great night! The best part was we got home at a decent hour, and woke up feeling great today! I am thankful for what our Friday nigths have morphed into now that we are becoming "grown-ups". Man, I am officially old... and I must say, I enjoy it! :)
Finishing a book
I love reading. I know I have said that on here before, but I could say it a million times. It is my absolute favorite hobby ever and always has been! I love when you get to that point in a book where you literally can not put it down because you just have to know what happens! I have been reading a book this week ("Magic Hour" by Kristin Hannah) and got to that point on Thursday where I didn't care that all the best tv was coming on, I just wanted to crawl in my bed and finish my book. So I did. :) I am thankful for my love of reading and for the joy (and sadness! You fellow book lovers will know what I mean) of finishing a good book.
I have been doing the Daniel Fast this week (basically you eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains). I realized that I am incredibly addicted to caffeine, even though all I really normally have is a cup of coffee in the morning. Since I started, I have been irratable and have had the worst headache though. Not fun at all! I have let myself cheat and have a small cup of coffee each morning, but only with soy milk and no sugar. Needless to say, I have learned that I am very thankful for caffeine! (And so are the people around me! At our grade level meeting one of my friends told me, "Please go drink a cup of coffee!" Haha!)
Taking it easy
I had my dinner club with some friends Monday night and didn't get home until after 10 and then had some things to do at home, so didn't get to bed until about 11. On Tuesday I was go, go, go (as usual- that is my busy day) with school, meeting after school, and then babysitting. I usually have bible study on Tuesday nights, but I had the worst headache and was so worn out, that I went home from babysitting and got straight into bed! I am thankful for nights when I can just take it easy and just crawl into my covers!
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte
So on Monday (yes, I am having to go back that far because I'm behind again), I made a pumpin spice latte in my latte maker and it was out of this world delicious....dare I say it; possibly even better than Starbucks! I am thankful for my homemade pumpkin spice latte!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
cold washcloths
I have not had a migraine, let a lone a headache really, since I started on my new medicine. So when I woke up this morning with the same headache I went to bed with last night, I was not happy. I usually put a wet washcloth on my head when I have a migraine to help with the pain, but I took it a step further this morning. I had to take breakfast to church for my volunteering, so before I left, I put the wet cloth in the freezer. I came home and took it out and it was sooo cold and felt so good on my head when I went back to sleep to try and get rid of my headache! I am thankful for my little headache trick!
Good deals!
Yesterday at the Loft, they had $50 off your $100 purchase if you "like" them on facebook, which is a pretty good deal, especially if you have gift cards there like I do! They let you use the coupon more than one time which is also nice! I was able to $200 worth of clothes for $100 and had gift cards for all of it which was even better! :)
whole grain hamburger helper
My husband loves hamburger helper. However, I don't really make it all that often because, let's be honest, it may taste good but it's not exactly the most nutritious meal! The other day I was at the store and saw whole grain hamburger helper! I picked up a box and some ground turkey and knew I would have one happy husband! I am thankful for the option to make a healthier hamburger helper!
Homemade chicken noodle soup
My mom makes the yummiest homemade chicken noodle soup, which is the recipe I now use. It is so easy and delicious. You simply boil chicken broth with chopped onions and celery in it until they are soft. The you add shredded chicken (I use rotisserie usually), and egg noodles (I usually use whole wheat) an continue boiling until noodles are cooked. Add salt and pepper to taste and any other spices; I use some thyme. I am thankful for yummy homemade chicken noodle soup, especially on cold nights!
I recently found out a former student's parent was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have surgery last week. Another teacher and I signed up to bring her a meal and took it to them last Wednesday as a "the least we could do" gesture. From talking to her, I am just amazed at the outpouring of the community we have at my school. Her husband told one person about it, who then turned around and got a meal train going (involving the child's former teachers even) and this family now has meals and prayers provided for them for as long as they need! I am thankful to live and work in an area where there truly is a sense of community and family.
New bible study leader!
So our bible study is starting back up after Christmas and we are officially having a leader this time! Hooray! In the past, we have always watched a video or something and then done a free-for-all discussion. One of the girls in our group, Mollie's mother-in-law is the women's ministry leader at a church in our area and she is starting to lead us! We just had our first one and I am so excited about it! We are doing a study on developing quiet time with God, which is something that I know I desperately need to work on! I am thankful for Sheree for taking her time to meet with us and mentor us each week!!
Don't worry, I am not going to get all political and deep on here (I already did a civil rights post after seeing The Help after all....). However, I am extremely thankful for martin Luther King, Jr and the changes he helped bring about in our country. I truly cannot even fathom what it must have been like in his time and I am thankful that I will never have to experience it. I am thankful for Martin Luther King, Jr and all that he stood for.
Getaways with the hubs
Richie and I LOVE to travel. If you know us well (or read my blog or "stalk" my facebook), you know that we are lucky enough to do quite a bit of it! We are also fortunate enough that most of our traveling is with our families (ie....it's pretty cheap for us!!) However, it is extremely nice to have time away from home just the two of us, which is exactly what our San Fran trip was. It's rare that we get away without either our families or another couple (or couples), so it was so nice to have time to explore a new city just us and be able to do exactly what we wanted to do when we wanted without having to run plans past other people, etc. I am thankful for all of the traveling Richie and I have been fortunate enough to do since we have been married and I am thankful for this past getaway just the two of us. :)
While we were in San Francisco, we decided to take a day trip over to wine country! We went to Sonoma instead of Napa because I had heard it was much more low key and not as touristy. It was so much fun and absolutely breathtakingly beautiful! We went to a few vineyards and tried wine and walked through the adorable town. On the way back, we drove through the Muir Woods and went to Muir Beach. We ended the day at Haight- Ashbury where we walked around, had a few drinks and ate dinner, and definitely did some people watching! All in all, a pretty fabulous day! I am thankful for the chance to go to Sonoma!
Gundlach Bundschu Vineyard
Little Vineyards
Rosie the dog we met :) |
Muir Beach |
San Francisco Tour
So yes, I was that nerd who went on a Grayline Tour. But I figured, Richie was working most of the day and I wanted to see the whole city, so what better way to do it! I must say it actually was pretty cool! They picked me up at my hotel and then took us to Fisherman's Wharf where we got our real tickets and got on the bus for our tour (all the tours meet there). On the tour, we drove the tour and stopped at a few places: the top of Twin Peaks, Mission Dolores, Golden Gate Park, and right over the Golden Gate Bridge. There was an audio tour during it, so I learned all I ever wanted to know about San Francisco! From what I kept hearing on the tape, Richie and I were pretty lucky "the next big earthquake" didn't happen while we were there because they sure like to talk about it!! I am thankful that I went on this tour by myself (which isn't something I would normally do) because I had a great time, took tons of pictures, and actually learned a lot!
My bus! |
Top of Twin Peaks- dowside of touring alone = pictures alone! haha |
Inside Mission Dolores- So old and beautiful! Baby Redwoods in Golden Gate Park The Golden Gate Bridge! |
San Francisco!
View from our room |
We had perfect weather- it was sunny and about 70 eevry day we were there excpet the day we were leaving. Some of my favorite things in San Fran were: riding the streetcar (of course!), the Farmer's Market at the Ferry Building, driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, and bascally all of it! I am thankful for the chance to experience San Francisco with my hubby!
I absolutely hate, hate, hate unpacking. And I usually put off packing until the night before a trip. But I do enjoy packing for trips and putting together my outfits and thinking about what I need and will wear! I am thankful for packing for very fun trips!!
short weeks
I am thankful for short weeks. Richie and I went to San Francisco about a week ago and left on a Thursday, which means my "Friday" of the week was a Wednesday. I am thankful for short weeks every once in a while!
catching up
Wow, I am waaay behind! Like more than I ever have been! I am thankful for a chance to catch up on my blog this morning! :)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Busy Sunday!
Whew, today has been busy!! We woke up this morning and went to our friend's Laura and Ryan's baby's baptism and then to a luncheon afterwards. The baptism was sooo sweet and then we had a lot of fun visiting with everyone afterwards. I went home from there and made chicken tamale casserole (such a good Cooking Light recipe) for my friend Emily and her husband Josh who just had a baby! My sister-in-law Laura and I went over there (she is bringing food tomorrow, so she went ahead and brought it tonight with me) and visited for a while and held the baby. She is absolutely gorgeous and such a good baby! I came home from there and my the same casserole for Richie and I for dinner and now I am about to get in bed and hopefully fall asleep early!
I am thankful for busy Sundays spent with wonderful friends!
I am thankful for busy Sundays spent with wonderful friends!
Christmas decorations in attic....
So it is a full week into January and my Christmas decorations are just now making it into the attic.... In my husband's defense (because it is his job to get them up there), they didn't come down until we got home from our Colorado trip on January 3. I still can't help but feel slightly like a slacker family. Regardless, I am thankful to have all the Christmas decorations back up in the attic until they come back down next December! :)
Tara Humata (and gift cards!)
Flash back to the incredibly generous gift card tree I got from my class for Christmas. Included on this were four (yes, four) gift cards to one of my and Richie's favorite restaurants- Tara Humata. If you haven't been there, it's a super yummy nice Mexican restaurant. (I recommend the shrimp fajitas) Friday night we went to dinner there (to use one of my gift cards) with Robbie and Laura and another couple, Katie and Kyle. It was delicious as always and a great start to our weekend! I am thankful for one of our favorite restaurants, Tara Humata, and that I was fortunate enough to get gift cards to use there! :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Latte machine
I got a latte machine from my in-laws for Christmas and with travelling (and lack of groceries!), today was my first day using it! Oh my, it was so easy and delicious! You out your coffee in the top like you do a normal coffee maker but then add milk in the bottom and it makes one perfect latte! I used caramel flavored coffee with light vanilla soy and it was soooo yummy! I am thankful for my new latte maker and am looking forward to tomorrow morning's treat,
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
teacher workdays
Today was my first day back from break, but it was a teacher workday and the kiddos will be back bright and early tomorrow! Jennifer Jacobson (from the book "No More I'm Done") came and spoke to us this morning about writing and she was absolutely phenomenal! I got so much out of it and she had so much practical stuff that I will definitely apply in my classroom. After that, we had the rest of the time to work in our rooms. I used that time to finish my report cards, finish grading end of semester tests, and prepare for the next two days! I am thankful for teacher workdays and the way they slowly coax us back into school after a break! It makes it easier to know you have a day to get all those last minute things done before your kids are their all excited and ready to go!
Off to bed I go! Night, night!
Off to bed I go! Night, night!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Celebs in Atl- "Klaus"
So if you are a "teeny bopper" at heart like me and watch Vampire Diaries, then you will totally know who Klaus is...If not, then just know that he is a super cute British actor- enough said! :)
Last night, we were on one of the trains in Atlanta airport about to get off at baggage claim when I see this guy standing there that looked so familiar. All of a sudden, it clicked, he played Klaus on Vampire Diaries- one of my favorite shows! Luckily, I am not exactly shy, so as we were getting off the train, I tapped him and asked "Excuse me, are you Klaus?" (It would have been way smoother if I knew his real name, I know) and he smiled and said "Yes I am." I thought it over for a brief moment and realized the worst that could happen is he could say no, so I then asked if he would take a picture with me. He very sweetly said "Of course.," smiled for a pic with me and then introduced himself (his real name is Joseph) and told me he was just getting in from London. All in all, such a nice guy! I am thankful for the chance to meet a celeb from one of my fave shows- and that he was so nice!
Last night, we were on one of the trains in Atlanta airport about to get off at baggage claim when I see this guy standing there that looked so familiar. All of a sudden, it clicked, he played Klaus on Vampire Diaries- one of my favorite shows! Luckily, I am not exactly shy, so as we were getting off the train, I tapped him and asked "Excuse me, are you Klaus?" (It would have been way smoother if I knew his real name, I know) and he smiled and said "Yes I am." I thought it over for a brief moment and realized the worst that could happen is he could say no, so I then asked if he would take a picture with me. He very sweetly said "Of course.," smiled for a pic with me and then introduced himself (his real name is Joseph) and told me he was just getting in from London. All in all, such a nice guy! I am thankful for the chance to meet a celeb from one of my fave shows- and that he was so nice!
While I was in Colorado, I got such a surprise! I posted a picture of Richie and I right when we got there and my friend Andrea (who lives in Boulder) saw it and wrote on there that she wanted to come met up! Andrea is one of my absolute oldest friends. We met in 6th grade at Crabapple Middle School and instantly became best friends. We were pretty much inseparable all through middle school and high school, but then sadly started losing touch in college. She moved to Boulder after college for law school and we really haven't seen each other since then. We have talked a few times, but to have the chance to meet up and see each other was so exciting! Our last night there, she came to our house and rode to Vail with us and then came back and spent the night. It was soooooo good to see her and catch up- it really is crazy how with some friendships you can go years and years without seeing each other and it feel like no time has gone by at all when you finally do get together. I am so thankful for Andrea and for the chance to see her in Colorado!
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Andi and I in Vail |
New Year
I am thankful for a new year! Last year was good, but new years are always exciting because they are a fresh start and you never know what they may bring! I always do the cliche resolutions like lose weight, etc, but this year, I have simply one resolution. Better myself. I mean that in all aspects of my life. I want to eat healthier and exercise more of course, but that is not my sole resolution. I want to be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher, but still not my only resolution. I want to simply do and be better.
The way I plan to do that is to try and live more like the Lord wants me to. I know that God tells me my "body is a temple" 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, so in knowing that I will eat healthier and exercise because the Lord made me to take care of myself. The bible tells us to "Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4:32. By remembering that, surely I can be better to the people around me.
I am thankful for a new year and the chance to better myself through my resolution. What are your New Years resolutions??
The way I plan to do that is to try and live more like the Lord wants me to. I know that God tells me my "body is a temple" 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, so in knowing that I will eat healthier and exercise because the Lord made me to take care of myself. The bible tells us to "Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4:32. By remembering that, surely I can be better to the people around me.
I am thankful for a new year and the chance to better myself through my resolution. What are your New Years resolutions??
We flew to Denver on the 29th and drove to Breckenridge and did the necessary things- picked up skis, went to the house, etc. That night, we went over to Keystone, which is another ski resort nearby, for dinner and then went to bed fairly early so we could hit the slopes bright and early!
We were staying at a ski in, ski out, so we woke up the next morning and were off! We skied all day, went to a local pub for a bit, came back for dinner and the hot tub, and then called it an early night (you can't ever stay up too late on ski trips because you are so worn out!) Our plan the next day was to do Vail- Robbie, Richie, and Laura were going to ski and I was going to shop with the folks in Vail Village because I was dying to see it.
However, we awoke to no power, winds up to 100 mph, and a snow storm! The girls (what wimpy boys we have!) geared up and walked to town to get coffee and find out what the deal was. By the time we got back, the power was back on and they decided to go ski Keystone(which was the only ski resort that was running their lifts), but we were still going to explore Vail. That is, until we got down the road to a wreck and the officer told us there was a 5 car pile up, that 70 was on "high accident alert" and that "if we didn't absolutely have to be out- not to be". So instead, I curled by the fire all day, drank hot cocoa, read, and watched the snow fall through the trees. Pretty gorgeous. Even though I pretty much sat inside most of the day on one of the day of my vacation, I absolutely loved it. We rarely get snow in Georgia, and if we do, it certainly doesn't come with a view like I had there.
I am thankful for the beautiful snow and for a chance to just sit back and enjoy it!
We were staying at a ski in, ski out, so we woke up the next morning and were off! We skied all day, went to a local pub for a bit, came back for dinner and the hot tub, and then called it an early night (you can't ever stay up too late on ski trips because you are so worn out!) Our plan the next day was to do Vail- Robbie, Richie, and Laura were going to ski and I was going to shop with the folks in Vail Village because I was dying to see it.
However, we awoke to no power, winds up to 100 mph, and a snow storm! The girls (what wimpy boys we have!) geared up and walked to town to get coffee and find out what the deal was. By the time we got back, the power was back on and they decided to go ski Keystone(which was the only ski resort that was running their lifts), but we were still going to explore Vail. That is, until we got down the road to a wreck and the officer told us there was a 5 car pile up, that 70 was on "high accident alert" and that "if we didn't absolutely have to be out- not to be". So instead, I curled by the fire all day, drank hot cocoa, read, and watched the snow fall through the trees. Pretty gorgeous. Even though I pretty much sat inside most of the day on one of the day of my vacation, I absolutely loved it. We rarely get snow in Georgia, and if we do, it certainly doesn't come with a view like I had there.
I am thankful for the beautiful snow and for a chance to just sit back and enjoy it!
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View of it snowing from the couch |
Part of the reason I haven't blogged in forever is because we have been in Breckenridge, Colorado for the past 5 days! Instead of doing Christmas presents this year, my parents took us out there to go skiing! I have skied out west before, but only in Park City, and I've never been to Colorado. It is drop-dead gorgeous there! We had sooooo much fun skiing (Breckenridge and Copper- the others skied Keystone as well, more about that in a later post) and it was a great trip over all! I am so thankful for the chance to see beautiful Colorado and for our wonderful trip!
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In front of our house in Breckenridge Vail Village- SO cute! |
sleeping alllllllll day
So also in response to my being sick and in preparation for my upcoming trip, I decided to follow my husbands advice on sleep being the best cure for getting better! Man, I must have been exhausted from the school, because I did not think it was physically possible for me to sleep as long as I did. I got to my house from Memphis about 4 and immediately got in bed and fell asleep. Richie woke me up with soup, so I ate dinner and watched tv (in bed) and then promptly went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning when my husband brought me a bagel (isn't he the sweetest?) which I also ate in bed and watched a tv show and the went BACK to sleep until I finally got out of bed at 2 to pack, got to the library (had to have my books for the flight!),stayed up for an early dinner, and then back to bed until we left for Colorado the next morning! I am thankful for my entire days worth (longer, really!) of sleep and how much better it made me feel for my trip!
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