Monday, July 18, 2011

Bit Bit

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday because I was very sick that I had to miss Britney Spears- can you believe it??!  So, today I am thankful for my best friend Brittany who took care of me yesterday and ran around getting me gingerale, medicine, etc!
Brittany and I have been best friends since our freshmen year in college where we met as new little Phi Mu's at Auburn.  In case you've never met her, here is a picture of us!

Some people think we look alike; what do you think? :)

Brittany is one of those people who just makes you happy when you are with her.  She is so silly and crazy and funny and I always have the best time ever when I am with her.  We have had many silly moments together from college adventures to our "background story" for when people ask if we are twins- which, yes Bryn and Jenna, happens a lot! But for the laughing, singing, and just being wild together that we do, she is also the person I turn to when I need to talk or am upset, and she has been for the nine years I have know her. She was my maid of honor in my wedding and I know that we will be best friends until we are old and grey, having our grandkids grab us a "Mich Ulch" and reminiscing...probably with some Britney Spears on in the background!  She is one of those once in a lifetime friends (how lucky am I to have a whole circle of those??) and I am thankful each and every day to have that beautiful, fabulous girl as my best friend!  I love you Bit Bit!!!

I love this picture someone took at my wedding! 

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