Monday, July 25, 2011


My nana has one of the sweetest hearts if anyone I know. She is a wonderful, Christian woman and has always been an inspiration and role model for me over the years. I have watched her as she loved her husband, my Papaw, and her children and grandchildren my whole life. She selflessly cared for my papaw as she got sick because she would do anything in the world for her loved ones. Some of my best memories growing up are of Nana telling me stories. I would constantly say, "Nana, tell me a story." and she would make up the greatest stories anytime I would ask. Our joke used to be that she would start the story with the character having one name but by the end the name would always have changed and I would always have to remind her if he real name. :) Nana also used to so patiently play grocery store and school and dolls and whatever else popped into my head that I wanted to do and never would tell me no or say she was too busy. I am so blessed to have grown up with such a loving, caring Nana and I am thankful for her each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. I am a blog slacker. I just read about 30 of your posts! Haha. I promise to be better. Your love for life is so inspiring! Excited to see you soon!
