Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pizza Dip

Wow, I am getting bad about blogging each day!!  I will go back to Thursday, then do Fridays, and finally todays post! 
Thursday night, we had our monthly Recipe Club.  I've mentioned it before, but don't think I have explained what it is.  My grade level gets together once a month (the last Thur of the month) and we all bring dishes for whatever theme it is that month and then swap recipes.  We rotate houses and whoever hosts provides the beverages and chooses the theme. SOOO much fun! This month's theme was favorite foods.  I had a tough time because I have already made a lot of my favorite foods for previous recipe club dinners and didnt want to repeat.  I decided to go with an appetizer since that is one of my favorite types of food and went with Pizza Dip.  It is my mom's recipe and it is a favorite of anyone who tries it.  Growing up, whenever I would have friends over to spend the night, we would always go through like two things of pizza dip.
In case you are intrigued, here is the delightfully simple recipe:
Preheat oven to 350. In a pie dish layer cream cheese, pizza sauce, and mozzarella cheese.  Then completely cover the top with pepperoni and add olives if you desire.  Bake for 30 minutes or until bubbling and serve with Fritos or any chips.
I am thankful for yummy pizza dip and the memories I have with friends while chowing down on it!

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