Sunday, August 14, 2011

U-Verse App

Sorry I haven't blogged in the past couple of days... I've been sick this week and in and out of doctors offices and hospitals and then just being too tired to blog when I get home! No fun!  That leads to the super-silly (but in my opinion, very cool) thing I was thankful for on Friday.  I went to a different doctor on Friday afternoon who in turn sent me to the emergency room (again).  While we were spending our Friday evening in the ER, we watched tv and were in the middle of the show NCIS when they came to discharge me (because even though I keep getting sent to the hospital, they still don't know what is wrong).  At that point we were very into what was going to happen, but we couldn't exactly say, " Hey, can we wait 30 minutes until this show is over??"  So, I pulled out my oh-so-smart iPhone and opened the app AT&T U-Verse and was able to find the show and record it on our home tv from my phone.  Then when we got home, we were able to fund out exactly what happened in the rest of the tv show.  Technology can be pretty cool sometimes and I was thankful at that moment for my U-Verse App! (A little plug here for U-Verse, if it is in your area, get it!! It is the best provider in my opinion!!)

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