Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sweet little M

As I mentioned in my last post, I saw The Help last night and loved it.  Today I am going to write about a former student of mine who I could not stop thinking about while watching the movie. (I am simply calling her M and am not going to supply too many details.  I am sure you understand).  Warning- SPOILER alert if you have not see or read The Help yet!!
I had a precious child in my class one year who had missed out on a lot of love from her mom.  She was lucky enough to be currently living with other family members who were doing everything they could to give her that love and I was certainly trying to do my part at school as well.  In the movie (and book) Abilene would have May Mobely (spelling?) repeat after her "You is kind, you is smart, you is important."  because her mom was not giving her a lick of attention.  This happened several times in the movie and each time, I just broke down because it reminded me of my sweet little M.  I used to do the exact same thing with her every day and make her say "I am smart, I am special, and I am a sweet girl."  That sweet little girl went back to live with her mom while she was in my class and I pray every day that she still says those things to herself...and more important, feels them.  I am thankful for the chance to have hopefully had an impact on her life and for the reminder of what I can be for my kids right before this school year starts.  For all you teachers out there (and people who work around kids), always remember that you dont know what kind of love those babies are getting at home, so make sure you are at least one person that they know they are loved by. 

Off my soapbox now...enjoy your Sunday!

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