Tuesday, January 3, 2012


While I was in Colorado, I got such a surprise!  I posted a picture of Richie and I right when we got there and my friend Andrea (who lives in Boulder) saw it and wrote on there that she wanted to come met up!  Andrea is one of my absolute oldest friends.  We met in 6th grade at Crabapple Middle School and instantly became best friends.  We were pretty much inseparable all through middle school and high school, but then sadly started losing touch in college.  She moved to Boulder after college for law school and we really haven't seen each other since then.  We have talked a few times, but to have the chance to meet up and see each other was so exciting!  Our last night there, she came to our house and rode to Vail with us and then came back and spent the night.  It was soooooo good to see her and catch up- it really is crazy how with some friendships you can go years and years without seeing each other and it feel like no time has gone by at all when you finally do get together.  I am so thankful for Andrea and for the chance to see her in Colorado! 

Andi and I in Vail

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to see you and your family--and to finally meet Richie! I am so thankful for our friendship and for the opportunity to ring in 2012 together! Next time will not be so long, I hope! ~Andrea
